Welcome to my Guestbook!

09/08/99 00:01:15
Name: Yer Cuz My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Musical Artist: Me
Your Favorite Anime Program: Mine Your Favorite Comic Book: Dr. Strange

All right kiddo, birthday wench, whatever, what's your freaking e-mail address these days? You seem to change it more often than you change your socks. First it's school, then msn, then chick.net or something. Sent you mail a while back but didn't hear back from you. And please do something about that wallpaer on your site -- it looks like my mother's couch.

07/24/99 23:21:20
Name: Morton Scott My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Musical Artist: My son, Frederick "Mick" Scott (drummer) & his wife, Krissie (singer)
Your Favorite Comic Book: All-Star

Looking forward to your page when it is completed. Will check occasionally. Hope our SCOTT lines connect. I live in Elk City OK and am a history nut.

07/22/99 13:16:53
Name: hommegirl My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Musical Artist: country
Your Favorite Anime Program: cartoon network Your Favorite Comic Book: who has time to read?

Scotty, Since I know nothing about web pages, I am impressed that you have one. One day, I hope we have one. Talk to you soon. Homme

07/21/99 16:29:41
Name: history chicky My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Musical Artist: not enuff room
Your Favorite Comic Book: who has time??

ok, I came, I saw, I puked!!!!!! It's boring as hell!! Get to work, history wench...we, historical/histerical types have high standards! Let me know when I dare to look again. Trash the background, it hurts my eyes! Just kidding, I can't wait till you ve put in your magical and creative touches.

07/16/99 06:33:06
Name: Janet Hill My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Musical Artist: Hmmmmmmm.....

Love this place...that background is truely annoying!!!!!

07/16/99 05:59:00
Name: Nanny Gudentight MacAllistar My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Musical Artist: Ricky Martin j/k
Your Favorite Anime Program: Sailor Moon

Love it girly. MACs rule!

07/15/99 09:34:51
Name: Drakkon My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Musical Artist: Rammstein
Your Favorite Anime Program: Ujokifuni Your Favorite Comic Book: Betty Pages

You see, I DO read all your e-mail!

07/14/99 20:48:27
Name: Iowa Iron Rider My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Musical Artist: David Allen Coe
Your Favorite Anime Program: rots of luck Your Favorite Comic Book: Easyriders

I will disavow any reference this woman makes to being my relative, in order to keep my cover and identity secure....

07/14/99 17:19:25
Name: Ebony Macon Johnson My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Musical Artist: Brian Mcknight

My wedding page took a long time to put together. I hope you took the time to check it out! (...at least the same time I took to look at this.) :]

07/14/99 07:45:23
Name: Leon McNaught My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Musical Artist: Sinatra, Fitgerald, Blink 182, Smash Mouth, Sweedish egil
Your Favorite Anime Program: Choi


07/14/99 00:53:12
Name: ME My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Musical Artist: YOU make my heart sing, baabbee!
Your Favorite Anime Program: *ech!* Your Favorite Comic Book: Choi's, of course...

Great page, HistoryWench!! Look forward to seeing it come together. *smile*

07/13/99 22:00:15
Name: S. Burger My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Musical Artist: too many to say
Your Favorite Anime Program: none yo bizness hippie :o> Your Favorite Comic Book: X-men

Damn you hippie foolio amber wearin' girl!!!! Once you get a better understanding of HTML you can hard code your page and not use one of those silly ass build ur free page html editors. try going to these locations for some assistance. htmlgoodies.com webreference.com lynda.com/hexv.html burger

07/13/99 21:48:50
Name: Myself My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Musical Artist: Too many to add
Your Favorite Anime Program: Same as above Your Favorite Comic Book: X-MEN!

Hey Hippies! Welcome to my guestbook - I've obviously tested it - so NO excuses. :)

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