Come on in. Pull up a chair. Have a cup of coffee or tea, and make yourself at home. I hope you brought your Bible. But if you didn't, I'm sure I can find an extra one.
You will notice that the background song playing is "In The Pages of The Bible". This is an old song, but the words still have power today. Because it's in the pages of the Bible, that I find comfort for my life, every day. (and you can too) The Bible is as relavent today as it was when it was written. For instance, in Proverbs 12:25, the Bible says: "Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression. But a good word makes it glad." NKJV Do you know anyone who is depressed? And isn't it because of anxiety? Amazing isn't it, how the more things change, the more things stay the same.
My pages include many different things, but I hope that you will see the one common thread they all have. That common thread is the love of the Lord.
These pages are dedicated to the Lord. I also dedicate myself to lift up the name of Jesus throughout my web site. |