Craig, Kris, and Kendall Stewart
Williamsburg, Virginia
April, 2003

Craig and Kris drove south with Kendall in April for a few warm, sunny days in Williamsburg. Kendall especially liked the visit to the Children's Museum in Norfolk. We used the new digital camera to capture her with her parents in the BIG chair!

Craig, Kris and Kendall in the BIG chair

The bubble room was a fascination. Bubbles big enough for two!
Two in a Bubble

Relaxing after a stroll through Colonial Williamsburg, she sat for a while with Thomas Jefferson and then enjoyed the Junior Fife and Drum Corp parade.

Kendall with Thomas Jefferson

The driveway was a perfect spot to pedal her new two-wheel bike.

Look Grandpa, no hands!

And the most fun of the trip? Fishing on Escapade with Daddy.
First Fishing Trip on Escapade

I caught the BIGGEST one!!
I caught the BIG one