It's all about choices!
  Yes, I believe it is.  You see, this morning I was greeted by Dillon.  Last night he decided that HE was a coloring book, and colored himself.  Thankfully, it was a dry erase marker, AND only his body was the canvas.  Could have been worse!

  A thing like this could really start one's day off bad.  But I chose to not let it affect me.  Instead I took a picture, told him his body is NOT a canvas and cleaned him up.  While in the bath we played a great game of catch the loofah and we had a great time!  So instead of feeling like it was going to be "one of those days" I decided to look at all I am thankful for.  There are lots, I am a blessed woman.
Obviously, I am thankful for my family.  I am thankful that the marker DID come off.  Note picture to the right!  My kids bring me so much happiness, I can't even begin to tell you.  I would be lost without them.  (just don't ever tell them you all saw them in the tub! ;) at least I took the picture with bubbles in the tub, right?) 
  I am thankful that I have such a wonderful husband.  For some reason I never seem to get a picture of him.  Someday.  Maybe in my next entry.
  I am thankful for Collin.  Look how content he is.  He is always content like this.  He loves his
sling.  Apparently it must taste pretty good too, because he always chews on it.  That is why you can't see his chin.    Isn't he just an adorable little pouch baby??  I think so!
And on my thankful day, look what God gave me!  This picture does the sunset np justce at all.  It was beautiful.  Very pink and red.  Downtown looked awesome silhouetted, but you can barely see it in the picture.  Sorry.  Yes, that is snow, we had a white christmas afterall.
Guess what I did today??  Last week mom went to the produce terminal.  She got a case of bananas and a case of oranges that we split.  Today I made 4 loaves of banana bread, 24 banana belgian waffles, banana milkshakes, and serving size cubes of pureed bananas for when Collin starts to eat solids.  All of it is in the freezer (except the milkshakes which are in our tummies).  I have more to do this weekend, but I made a big dent in the bananas.  I am so proud of me.  I love when I get all domestic like that, heehee!