So Bored...... |
I am so bored today. Look, you don't even get pictures. Sorry. Just thought I would pop in and let you all know how my little munchkins are doing. Last we talked, Dillon was sick. It is very strange because at that point he was the only sick one. Shortly after I posted my entry, Collin woke up. Guess who was sick? Only he was pretty bad. He was having a hard time breathing and had a 103 degree fever. So Tylenol down the hatch, which lowered it a bit. He had a hoarse voice and was coughing like crazy. The poor thing was miserable. He would nurse, doze, stop breathing. OK I am sure it was just for a couple seconds, but it was scary. He was breathing really shallowly(is that a WORD???!!!)and then would just stop. Then he would start crying a bit and start breathing again. Finally, I took him in the bathroom and steamed him. I was debating taking him to the ER but I don't like the ER here, and since the sent Dill home one time with an ear infection telling me he was fine, I don't have much faith in them. Around 3 he was finally able to relax enough to fall asleep. So the next morning we trotted off to the dr. His temp was back up, and he was still having a hard time breathing. Anyway, he has croup. It isn't like the croup where they bark like seals, but the viral croup that has a fever and stuff along with it. The poor punkin has no voice. And yet he is such a trooper. He is trying so hard to be happy, and say something, but only a squeek comes out, and then he cries, or squeeks. They gave us a steroid to open his airways. It has helped. He was having a hard time yesterday and it really helped him breathe easier. He is trying to recoop from being awake all night and is sleeping today. He did really well last night, but......... About 2 in the morning I am awakened by a seal barking. OK not really, but it sure sounded like it. Who could it be?? Collin was sleeping peacefully next to me. Dillon was on the mend, of course it was Matthew!!! So, into the steam we went. Got his cough to stop and he went back to bed. He has been hacking like crazy today too. C and D both have really stuffy noses, but Matthew just has a cough. Which is good, because Matthew has been the biggest help the last couple days. I don't know what I would do without him. Everyone is sleeping right now, well the little everyones. Matt is at work. I SHOULD probably clean, since it hasn't been done in several days, but alas, I am here. I would like to start a home business. Yes, I know, I am looney, and I always have hairbrained ideas. I am sure nothing will ever come of it though. You have to have start up money, and we don't. I just think all these people sell diapers and things on line, I could too. Anyway, that thought just went flitting through my head, so I thought I would share it. My friend Michelle, from Klamath Falls, called today. It is always so nice to talk to her. Of any of my friends there, I miss her the most. What I wouldn't give to just get in the car and go visit someone. Now to do that I have to go 2 1/2 hours to see Carrie. I just love Michelle. For those who don't know, we met at the YMCA when she asked me if Matthew's nose was cleft. I was in total shock because no one ever knew what it was called. I said, "uh yeah, why?" She then told me her little boy had a bilateral cleft lip and pallette. Derek is 6 months younger than Matthew, and until a couple months ago, they were the only 2 kids in Klamath Falls to have clefts. And we found each other!! We were instantly friends. We met when Matthew was 8 months old, so we went through alot of surgeries together. Things no one but us could understand. I don't think anything will ever break the bond we have, and I miss that so much. :( I am not sure why I am bringing her up today, I talk to her about once a week, I just don't think I have mentioned her here before. And I guess I am just missing her today. ALTHOUGH...she did say it is snowing there today, and here it is beautiful, so maybe I will stay here! :) OK enough rambling. I am off to clean. Hopefully kids will feel better when they wake up. NEXT BACK |