<BGSOUND SRC="beautiful_boy.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Collin Joseph
August 10, 2001
I found out on December 15, 2000 that I was expecting another baby.  And was thrilled.  I had a little bit of morning sickness in the beginning(ok so it was worse than with the previous boys) but I certainly wasn't going to complain.
  After the first trimester I felt GREAT.  This was the best pregnancy I had experienced.  It was uncomplicated all the way through.  I would be induced at 38 weeks to avoid another large baby.  In May we were told we would be having our third boy, and he was HEALTHY!! I was so happy!!
  At 34 weeks I had a kidney stone attack and was hospitalized for a night.  That night I had contractions 4 minutes apar
all night.  I was so afraid the baby would come early.  But I had an ultra sound and he was already 6 and a half pounds, so I knew he would be ok.  But I was still scared.  Thankfully the contractions didn't do anything and I went home the next day.  Drugged until the stones passed.  That was the only little thing that went wrong the whole time.
  On August 10, I went in as scheduled.  I figured they could just break my water and things would go along similar to my labor with Dillon.  Silly me.  I went in at 7 oclock A.M. and my water was broken by 8.  Dr Vito said I had an hour to get into active labor, and if I didn't she would start the pit.  Well his head wasn't engaged yet, so I gushed water continually.  It was so uncomfortable.  I had wanted to walk, but there was no way.  I could barely get to the bathroom due to the mess.  But no contractions.  I was bummed.  Matt kept teasing me that they would send me home.  HA, not with that kind of water gushing!!
  At 9 the dr came in and said it was time to start the pit.  I was fine with that.  I was so anxious to meet my baby, and I just wanted to get things going.  So they started the pit.
  Every half hour they came and increased the pit.  While the contractions were coming they weren't that strong yet, and still about 6 minutes apart.  We had planned on calling mom by 10 to have her to come video for us.  At about 10:30 Matt called to say nothing was happening yet.  At about 11:45 they increased my pit again.  That is when things finally started happening.  Because I had had 2 other babies I was told I could have my epidural whenever I wanted.  So I told them it was time for the epi.  Well wouldn't ya know it, the anesthiologist had just left for lunch!!  She said to give him about 15 minutes and he would be there.  Right at 12:15 he was coming in my room.  I was so happy to see him, I was determined to not have lots of pain!! What a wimp, I know. 

By 12:45 the epidural was in and I was feeling great.  This was by far the best epi I have had.  I had no pain, but I could feel and wiggle my toes.  The dr came in and checked me then, I was dilated to 5 cm.  I was ready for the long haul.  At 7 I had been dilated to 3 cm.   At about 1 mom came to the hospital and was giving me a hard time because I was in labor and smiling.  But I felt great.
  A little before 2 I got really cold and started to shiver.  I pushed the call button to see if I could get a blanket.  They only have sheets on the L&D beds.  So Joy came in and asked what I needed.  I told her a blanket, and said I thought I was in transition and that is why I was shivering.  She said it could be that, or the epi medication.  At this point I was feeling my contractions in the top of my belly.
Joy must have forgotten to turn off the little light that signals I need them, because when she went to get my blanket Rhonda came in to see what I needed.  I told her Joy was taking care of it.  She asked if I had felt any pressure in my bottom.  I said no just in the top of my belly.  So she told me to let them know if I did, and left.  Joy came in then with my blanket, and covered me up. 
  As soon as she left the room I had a contraction.  I could feel the baby and he was very close to coming.  I felt the blood drain from my face and I whispered to Matt that I needed to be checked.  Mom was asking what I had said, and wanted to know what was wrong.  I said I didn't know and that I just thought I should be checked.
Matt went out into the hall to tell the nurses that had JUST left my room that I needed to be checked.  He says they looked at him like he was crazy, but came to check me anyway. 
  What Rhonda found was that the baby was right there ready to come.  So she went to get the dr.  All of this was happening fast.  I had the one contraction with lots of pressure, and then everyone was in my room.  The dr came in getting her scrubs on really fast.  She asked if I was ready to push.  I said, yes, but I wanted to sit up.  The beds at this hospital were cool and you can push while sitting up.  I wanted to do that.  But she wouldn't let me.  She said the baby was too big and needed all the room he could get.
  The next contraction came and I pushed.  Out came his head.  It wasn't even a full push, just a little pressure.  Then I pushed a little more and his
body came out.  I must say I was impressed that it took only 1 push to get him out.  He cried a little, but they never even had to suction his nose or anything out.  He looked so little, but actually weighed 9 lbs and was 21 inches long.  He was born at 2:12.
  He was very healthy, but had a little bit of low blood sugar.  So he spent his first night being poked every hour to check his sugar levels.  By the next day they were up enough to not worry about.  He became a little jaundiced but he came home with me on Sunday. 
  I recovered great and the dr said I was just made to have big babies.  I asked if I could have another, and she said yes I could handle the size.  I figure 9 pounds at 38 weeks was something to be asking about.  But all is good!!
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