I added this page to my site to heighten the awareness of the pain felt by pregancy and infant loss. Whether a child is lost due to miscarriage or still birth. This is one of the most painful events a person can go through, yet the couples are often left to grieve alone. And grieve they do. They have to, their child was lost, along with many dreams of the future. They are told ,"it was God's way" "it wasn't meant to be" and worst of all "just get over it" These children are very real, and so is the pain. Instead of subjecting themselves to these kinds of comments the parents often don't share their situation with anyone else. Please, if you hear of someone who has lost a child, no matter how old the child is, do not make these comments. We understand you don't know what to say, but sometimes just listening is better than saying anything. It feels horrible to think no one cares. Or that everyone thinks you should just get over it. This doesn't happen. We will never forget our precious babies, ever. Sure, the pain will ease, but it will never go away completely. And even another child will not replace the one lost, so please don't assume it will. Just take the time to listen. If you are reading this and have never lost a child, I pray that you will never have to experience the pain I am talking about. If you have experienced a loss, I pray that you do not have to grieve alone. And that you will have the comfort of knowing that the pain does get better. Bless you. |