Alphamore Cleopatra

Alphamore Shaka x Venturous Heather


1998 Full Lippitt Mare

"Cleo" is a nice young filly who is very much representative of her sire and dam's breeding -- bringing forth the best of both parents. She has her dam's floating trot and her sire's pretty head. Cleo is destined to be an ideal family horse.

Alphamore Cleopatra's Pedigree

Alphamore Cleopatra

Alphamore Shaka

Equinox Royalty

Dyberry Bob

Lippitt Billy Ash

Lippitt Miss Nekomia

Royalton Debbie Darling

Ethan Eldon

Lippitt Darling

Venturous Holly

Croydon Minuteman

Royalton Ebenezer

Royalton Letetia D

Meadowood Aleta

Meredith Starlight

Lippitt Alsibeth

Venturous Heather

Royalton Donald Ash

Royalton Welcome

Lippitt Ashmore

Royalton Diantha Darling

Royalton Amy Ashbrook

Royalton Ashbrook Darling

Lippitt Royalton Ashbee

Meadowood Ginger

Meadowood Alert

Moro Hill's Magician

Lippitt Alsibeth

Meadowood Aleta

Meredith Starlight

Lippitt Alsibeth

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