Venturous Kristen

Croydon Minuteman x Meadowood Aleta


1991 Full Lippitt Mare

Kristen is Holly's younger full sister -- they are similar in look, type, temperament and produce. She is also a superb broodmare in a long line of exceptional mares. (Kristen is pictured with her 1999 filly foal, Alphamore Nanny.)

Venturous Kristen's Pedigree

Venturous Kristen

Croydon Minuteman

Royalton Ebenezer

Royalton Bob Woodstock

Ethan Eldon


Royalton Minelda

Royalton Ashbrook Darling

Royalton Elnora

Royalton Letetia D

Royalton Ashbrook Darling

Lippitt Ethan Ash

Royalton Joan Darling

Lippitt Darling

John A Darling

Lippitt Sandra

Meadowood Aleta

Meredith Starlight

Timmy Twilight

Lippitt Sam Twilight

Westfall Becky

Lippitt Georgiana

Lippitt Ethan Ash

Lippitt Georgia

Lippitt Alsibeth

Lippitt Moro Alert

Lippitt Rob Roy

Lippitt Gladys Moro

Lippitt Hepsibeth

Lippitt Sam


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