Welcome to my Guestbook!

Sharon - 12/16/00 18:17:27

Visited your web page and thought it was quite classy! I hope lots of other people do too, and so much so that they buy stuff from you!! Have a super special day celebrating Jesus' Birthday. Love in Christ, Sharon Nauroth

ronnie haft - 09/21/00 21:43:20

hope to see you saturday will call you friday nite for directions

- 09/14/00 21:23:47


Me - 09/12/00 18:34:29
My Email:mdesendi@aol.com

Hi..............and Good Luck!

Sheila - 06/20/00 00:47:52
My Email:chillaontheriver@juno.com

Love your web page. If you were my daughter, I'd tell you how proud I am, but as one of your oldest friends, I can say I always knew how talented you are. Good luck. LUV YA

Carol - 06/17/00 23:42:33
My Email:cconfer@cub.kcnet.org

Way to go, Peggie!

Lyn - 06/06/00 19:56:14
My Email:yorkyterr@carolina.net

Peggie, Thank you for your kindness with my order.It has been a pleasure getting to know you. Love your web site. Great job and great products. Mary Avant's Yorkshire Terriers

Yorry324 - 06/06/00 11:36:25
My Email:trees@epix.net

Nice website. Love Yorkies!

Jacqui - 05/27/00 21:03:02
My Email:PresidentYorkies@aol.com

Well Peggie and Jim........I just hope that this great site gets you lots and lots of orders worldwide! I always enjoy receiving a parcel from you and everyone here in France is envious of all my personalised items. Looking forward to seeing you again in eb 2001 in NY love Jacqui and all the President Yorkies xxxxx

Flicker - 04/30/00 19:00:08
My Email:flicker@epix.net

Very nicely done,enjoyed it very much

Esther - 04/26/00 03:42:19
My Email:sthrbrnhll@cs.com

Your father asked me to check out your site. I think it is a very nice job. Good luck & God Bless. A friend of Dads, Esther

Carol - 04/23/00 18:54:03
My Email:cousincarol@hotmail.com

I had a lot of fun making these pages for my sister and I hope everyone enjoys them as much as I did making them.

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