Welcome to my Daughters' Page

I have two grown daughters, Rhonda and Becky.


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Here's Rhonda at her Surprise 30th Birthday Party.  Poor thing, no wonder she is wearing black.


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Rhonda and me at the party.

And a very SPECIAL day for Rhonda ---


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It took her 10 years of night school.  She worked full-time, ran a household, went through a divorce, and still graduated Summa Cum Laude.  She is a Computer Analyst now working for an International Company.  I'm very proud of her!


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After a year in college majoring in Criminal Justice, Becky decided to prusue a career as a Paralegal (she also wedged in a marriage). She is now a very successful Paralegal, working for a Family Law attorney.  Becky has done extremely well in her profession.  P.S. She is married to a wonderful guy too.



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I'll put these out here because she loves these pictures.  A friend of hers at college did these photos.



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Here's another one that her friend did.

Pretty little thing!





P.S.  You do realize that I got married VERY young!!!!!


Graphic Set came from

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