Field Trips

Just a few of our Field trips this year!
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We visited Lincoln Museum and saw how big his boyhood house was. Learned about Milk Sickness and how far up-hill they had to carry water. We saw again the spinning wheels that were used, and learned more about flax.

We also were able to visit the Science Museum in St. Louis. This was great, considering it was free, and we were able to link the outing with a business trip. If you are within traveling distant of St. Louis, we definitely recommend stopping in for the Science Museum, and if you have time going over to the Zoo, which is also free. We intent to plan another trip back within this school year. The children created a "" from the Father & Mother chromosomes, finding out first hand how different brothers and sisters can be! We learned more about space, and our computers!

In October, we were in Madison IN, and learned about the hotel that we stayed in. It had been rebuilt after a fire.

We took a trip to Canada, and learned again about the different coins, and having to figure the exchange rate before making a purchase. We visited a Menninites village, and learned how they moved to Canada because of persecution.

We have been busy with more field trips and our workbook lessons from ABeka. We are doing two lessons a day for the week of Dec 6-10, and that will finish up our book work until
January 2000!!!!
What a feeling, no more school until the new millennium! We will be supplimenting with Craft projects and making Christmas Gifts, and other ministries as we approach the Birthday of our Saviour Jesus!

I believe that every mother & father is a teacher, and every home is a school. There are times when we may not be teaching very well, but we are teaching! From the time a child comes into the world, they are learning from us. What are we teaching?

Deuteronomy 4:9 and Deuteronomy 6:1-9

Pages Updated March 14, 2000 (And yes I had to retype that year!!!) by Laura.

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