What do Jaycees Do?
we love it. . .
One of the busiest and most rewarding areas for the Sistersville Area Jaycees
chapter is our community service area. Using the results of a local survey by area
residents, the Sistersville Area Jaycees have established four priority areas to
guide them as they meet the immediate needs of the community.
The top community development prority is human assistance. The Jaycees put great
emphasis on promoting and improving the quality of life in the Tyler County area
through aid to local youth, elderly, handicapped citizens, humane society, and the
financially disadvantaged. Some top projects have included supporting and bringing
the Big Brothers/Big Sisters club to Tyler County, Christmas time food drive and the
chapter's Annual "A Child's Christmas" for underprivileged children.. . . Perhaps the
biggest project that the chapter will do all year! (see our link for more information on this project at the bottom of this page )
In the second priority, community improvement, Jaycee members work to enhance the
enviornment and improve local resources and facilities. Projects in this area include
Adopt-a-highway, Clean the Park Day, Community Service for High School and
Middle School students and to improve the Job Skills of young adults.
Priority three in the community is goverment involvement. Through visits to city
council meetings, voter registration drives, crime prevention activities and other
projects, the Jaycees work to better educate citizens and promote government
awareness in Tyler County.
Community fundraising has been established as the fourth priority area. Jaycees
actively raise money for specific projects such as "A Child's Christmas" and local
charities such as Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Muscular Dystrophy Foundation and
the American Heart Foundation. The Jaycees write Grants and try all sorts of means
to make the communities of Tyler County a much safer and better place to live.
Perhaps the greatest testimony to the strength of Jaycee fundraising occurred while
holding the Jaycees Annual "A Child's Christmas". Going into debt every year to
make sure that "EVERY" child experiences a meaningful Christmas has seen no
exception. The chapter travels to 14 different county festivals. For three months in
the summer the Jaycee members and their family operate game booths to help
defray the cost for "A Child's Christmas". "We do it right", says chairman Pam
Steele! "Or we wouldn't do it at all!" Perhaps someday our grant writing efforts will
help us with various causes that teaches students to serve their community and also
teaches adult parents to show their responsibilities?
No one can say the Jaycees in the Sistersville Area
don't try!
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