Welcome to my Guestbook! Please leave some nice comments for the kids they worked very hard on their pages and did most of their own work too!

- 12/17/00 02:36:30


Lisa - 10/21/00 05:52:07
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ab2/yorkiluvr/index.html
My Email:yorkiluvr@yahoo.com

Hi Tammy, Just stopping by to see all the work you've done on your web pages. I was hoping it would help me get in the mood to finish mine sometime soon. I can't find the link to Kandar's page here with Wilson's and Teekee's though. Send me the link to the rest f your pages when you have time. Take care, and remember to stop and smell the roses!!!! Yorkies are the BEST!!!! Lisa

Chuck Kniest - 09/30/00 08:29:32
My URL:http://www.jaccksmower.net
My Email:Mowerman1@hotmail.com

Tammy, A truly beautiful web-site. I really enjoyed it

Andrew - 04/08/00 15:39:11

hi aunt tam what you up to liked the pics of wilson and teekee they are so cool

Ken&Carla Staley - 04/08/00 15:30:27
My Email:together4ever_61554@yahoo.com

Good Job! Lovely photos of such a glamorous girl. Good luck with your contest and thanks bunches for the email. Come see us anytime. Carla

Lisa - 04/05/00 05:21:07
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/lisawebpage/
My Email:dolphncove@aol.com

Nice page Tammy. Great work!! Teekee is a cutie!! Lisa

char - 03/31/00 05:07:25
My Email:char8552@aol.com

just adorable Tammy! Great job!

James Coburn - 03/26/00 06:32:09
My Email:pgcoburn@yahoo.com

If ya don't own one you'll never know what you have missed in life. They are cute.

Nisa - 03/25/00 20:17:10
My Email:nford@roadruner.nf.net

Oh Tammy TeeKee is so sweet.

Julie And Simba - 03/25/00 18:27:01
My URL:http://geocities.com/juliesimba2000
My Email:juliesimba@hotmail.com

Wilson, We came to take a look at your page and looks very nice! Your Mom did a very good job!!!

Emily - 03/21/00 04:17:51
My Email:ms_thing69@hotmail.com

Hello Wilson!!!!!!!! I miss playing with you and Tiki dog!! Hopefully my Mommy will bring me for a visit soon!! woooff wooofff

Jamie - 03/19/00 21:49:19
My Email:m53j67@gateway.net

Love the page! Wilson is the cutest. (doesn't look like a football either)

Lisa - 03/17/00 07:04:08
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/lisawebpage/
My Email:dolphncove@aol.com

I love your page! Wilson is a cutie!! Lisa, Lucy and Beau!

Susan Timmerman - 03/14/00 00:35:31
My Email:stimmerman@aol.com

Wilson, you are certainly a cutie...even with the bows on that you must not like too much!!! I know your Mommy from Coco's Castle list at OneList and that is how I got the address to your page! Take care and keep everyone at your place in line!

char - 03/10/00 04:59:12
My Email:char8552@aol.com

Kira and Tamy-what interesting stories about your family of cats-and beautiful pictures! I didn't realize Midnight was solid black-and had such light babies! This was a lot of fun-thanks for sharing with me! I loved it-Char

Susan Timmerman - 03/08/00 01:20:07
My Email:stimmerman@aol.com

What a wonderful page! I may be almost 37 years old but I LOVE the Ty link! I am a collector of the cats of the Beanies lines!!!

Carolyn Buffington - 02/25/00 00:54:55
My URL:http://Carolynsyorkies.homestead.com/Carolyn
My Email:mrxx@bellsouth.net

Oh I love it all Tammy. your page is just beautiful and so is mine and i love the banner here advertising my page. You are just the greatest!!!!!!!! Thanks a million till you are better paid. Love ya Carolyn

Leslie Roberts - 02/22/00 21:24:35
My Email:yorkiemoon@hotmail.com

Just wanted to say that you did an excellent job! on "Wilson's web page" Tammy!. He's such a cutie pie!.. What a doll baby. Thanks for the tour and best wishes.....Leslie Roberts & Piglet

Pam Sheperd - 02/15/00 02:19:52
My Email:sheperds@mediaone.net

I think Wilson is just a darling little guy. Love his name, love his looks, love everything about him. I would love to meet him in person and give him a big hug. You did a great job on this site!

Lisa Walker - 01/28/00 14:11:25
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ab2/yorkiluvr/index.html
My Email:yorkiluvr@excite.com

Hi Tammy and Wilson, I think you have a great site! I come here often and look at all the cool stuff that you have done with your site! You both have such pretty smiles! :-) Lisa

maggie&sasha - 01/27/00 00:04:58
My Email:mwm19@hotmail.com

That is a very nice web page. you need to come and check out sasha @ ememories.com

lyn - 01/26/00 03:42:05
My Email:lyndontno@yahoo.com

very cool tammy

Dianne Bradley - 11/27/99 19:11:44
My Email:bradley8@bellsouth.net

Tammy you have done a wonderful job on your website. You have a beautiful family and that included Wilson & The Cats Glad you are a member of yorkietails, enjoy your post.

BJ - 11/24/99 05:32:52
My Email:bojeanmaid@aol.com

That picture of the demon is terrible..I'm sure you could have found something better to represent you on your site. I'm sure you are very creative and could find something funny or cute. I like joke about granny, but the picture and fire doesn't go toget er with granny.

Karen & Troy - 11/20/99 01:28:12
My Email:elf@mtco.com

Hey kids we really like the page. You did an excellent job. Keep it up especially if you enjoy doing it. We love you all to :-)

Sherre - 11/17/99 18:32:55
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/hi/sherre/index.html
My Email:sherres_@yahoo.com

Hi I think your website looks wounderful..What a sweet family..Your children are doll's..I love the backgrounds that you have..And the music was great also..Take care..

alexis - 11/17/99 11:44:29
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/sk/wasabesan
My Email:alexisda@bellsouth.net

hey! great page! you and my kids love the same stuff! thanks for sharing it with me! :-) alexis

michael - 11/17/99 08:03:10
My Email:farley4@prodigy.net

The site looks great, I enjoyed chatting w/ you. Congrats on the award. Kiss rules.

Nisa Ford - 11/17/99 04:26:35
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/fordfamily99/fords.html
My Email:fords@nf.sympatico.ca

Congrats on the award. Great web page. Hugs from Nisa and Lilly

Tim - 11/15/99 22:18:23
My URL:http://people.ce.mediaone.net/tjkashin
My Email:tjkashin@hotmail.com

Nice Pages guys!!! Keep up the good work! Laters, Tim =)

Jessica and Bubba - 11/12/99 16:10:27

Congratulations on the award. We just checked your site for updates...Good Work!

CIT - 11/11/99 16:46:43
My Email:kambalingam@yahoo.com

Think i'ts great but the angel's web page's better Oh yeah don't forget to say hi to hubby and children..too..Byeeee from me now

Lisa (Lou Lou) - 11/11/99 06:27:02
My Email:lwn3boyz@hickory.net

Hello Tammy, great job!!!!! I love Angels so I added you to my Special Friends folder in my favorites. Web pages are addictive, and I am sure that you will be adding a lot more pages in the months to come. Kisses to Wilson from Jasmine and Precious. L sa from Yorkietails

Bonnie - 11/10/99 22:55:06
My Email:Banksba28@yahoo.com

You are the greatest... I love you so much and never could think of my life with out you... Thank you for being my friend. ...Yo are the angel

Will - 11/10/99 08:11:17

congradulations on entering the cyber world!

Mommy - 11/08/99 21:42:25
My Email:Ms_Thing69@hotmail.com

Cool page DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone's page is awsome!!! Keep up the good work.. Love you all..Dawn

LAUREN - 11/08/99 00:00:08


Lisa - 11/03/99 03:28:15
My Email:GLCSM@aol.com

Tell Max I tried to go to his e-mail, but my computer wouldn't go there : (

Lisa - 11/03/99 03:25:15
My Email:GLCSM@aol.com

Very scarey and cool red face!!!

lisa - 11/03/99 03:24:04
My Email:GLCSM@aol.com

Nice page-wish I could do that! Are you holding a dog in the just woke up picture, and what kind of bird do you have?

bubba - 11/03/99 02:06:25

cool page cody!! we saw it on "keep smiling" good work!

Sue - 11/02/99 01:32:12

Nice job! I like all the pictures. Max and Cody have neat pages too. KEEP SMILING!

- 10/31/99 21:46:00
My Email:Bankslw@yahoo.com

Cool job Max you did a great job

Reet - 10/31/99 20:14:58
My Email:Reet103@aol.com

Hey, Cody !! this is a great page ~ I love the background, very " magical" !!! I found you in the Keep Smiling #129 edition ~~ bye bye !!

Granmary - 10/31/99 16:38:27
My Email:mtobler@digitalexp.com

Happy Birthday! I liked your page.

Granmary - 10/31/99 16:34:16
My Email:mtobler@digitalexp.com

Way to go Cody. I like your page. This roller- blading Granny is taking her's back to the store today. Had them two days and busted my "Boo Hiney" 3 times. Thank you for the good work!!!

Melissa - 10/31/99 15:49:03
My Email:MizMeliz@aol.com

cute good job for an 8 year old! keep up the good work

Erica - 10/31/99 03:21:19
My Email:softbutch_99_1992@

very nice site

- 10/22/99 03:21:24


TAMMY - 10/21/99 23:09:18


Brifan70 - 10/19/99 18:56:32
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/fanman70/index1.html
My Email:bkfannon@bwsys.net

I love you..... nice pages

hobbyhorse25 - 10/19/99 12:41:48
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/JK4Ranch
My Email:hobbyhorse25@yahoo.com

Hi Tammy, Just checkout your pages.. You have a great looking family.. Did a great job on your site.. See you in Cheeta room..

Kleiber - 06/10/99 00:35:13
My Email:elf@mtco.com

Like the page tammy and brian. Some day will create my own once I get a scanner to do so. Like it a lot.

MOM - 06/09/99 02:13:30
My Email:btfannon@bitwisesystems.com

I am so proud of the kids you did a great job

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