Music: Thank You For Being A Friend

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About My Friends!

    I will list my friends in alphabetical order of first names. I really can't tell you that I have a best friend, because each of my friends is special to me in a different way.

    The first friend I'll tell you about is Belinda Hutchison. (B.J. to some friends, Beeda to her family) I met B.J. when I was working in an office. She was working as a receptionist on a temporary basis and when an opening came up in our department I quickly let her know. We met in the breakroom and began to gab. It seemed as though we'd known each other for ages! We had so much in common. Within weeks my husband and I were at her house playing Scattergories with her and her husband, David. We became very close friends in a very short amount of time.
    It was necessary to have a close friend where we worked, because we were employed by the boss from H- - -! So B.J., Janet, another woman, and I kept each other sane at work. (Unfortunately, the woman whose name I didn't give, was a fair weather friend and ended turning on the other three of us at one time or another!)
    BJ is a bubbly sort! She's a "hugger" like I am, but she has so much energy, and so much love for others that she leaves me in awe! She loves to do crafts! She makes the most beautiful things like: wall hangings, crocheted afghans, and soooo many more!!! That kind of thing fascinates me, because I have no talent in that area!
    When it came time to make the bouquets, corsages, and buttoneers for my daughter's wedding in August of 1997, B.J. volunteered to help us with them at no charge. Then when we got to the reception hall she was the first one to step up and start getting the food going. (You can find out why I didn't have someone assigned to help with the food on the "How not to plan a Wedding" page I'm working on at this time.)
    BJ and David have 3 sons: Ryan, Wesley, and Rusty. Her son Ryan is the same age as my son Joe, Jr!
    In 1998 David retired from the service and they moved home to Texas. It about broke my heart, but for them, it was home. We still keep in touch, and are still very close. She is so special that I can't even imagine her not being in my life!

B. J. & David at Michelle's wedding

    The next friend I'll tell you about is Janet Weaver. I seldom call her anything but "Weave", and she doesn't seem to mind.
    Janet and I met at work, the same place where I met B.J.. Janet worked in a different department, but we always took breaks and lunches together.
    Janet's hubby's name is Bill, and they have 2 kids: Ed and Christy. Both of their children are married and both have presented her with granddaughter's: Ashley and Alysan! (Just heard another's on the way!)
    Janet is kind of a hyper person. I don't think I've ever seen her sit for longer than it takes to eat a meal. She loves and collects pandas to an unbelievable degree. Janet's favorite musical group is REO Speedwagon and she has been to every concert they have had in this area. She has a collection of REO stuff, including pics of the group and herself together, that would cause many a fan's mouth to water! She is also very talented with many crafts: crocheting, cross stich, and about anything else that she wants.
    Recently Janet got a computer and is in the process of learning the HTML language that will enable her to make a website. I helped her start one, but I know that it will grow by leaps and bounds once she gets going on it.

Janet and Bill at their son's wedding

    Lynda Andersen is the friend that I've had the longest! We met in 1964, I was 8 years old and she was 7, and are still close friends! Lynda and I competed a lot when we were kids. Sometimes it was "friendly competition", sometimes not, but we always had fun! She and I were opposites as kids: I was always brown haired and brown eyed; and she has blond hair and blue eyes; I looked best in blue, her in pink, etc... Even now we still love each other almost like sisters!
    Lynda is another "up" person. (It's strange how I tend to pick that kind as friends, the opposite of myself. Maybe I need them to "pick me up"?) She is married to a wonderful man named Leland and they have 2 daughters: Angie and Elisha; and 2 grandchildren: Adrianna and Alex! They live about 200 miles away, and sadly neither of us make the trip to see each other very often. But we email and call each other, and I know that if I needed her, she would be here, and vise-versa!
    Even though we are not close in mileage, we seem to experience a lot of the same things in our lives! It's strange how that works, but nice also cause we always have someone to talk to who understands EXACTLY what the other is going through!
    At my daughter's reception (as I mentioned above, BJ jumped in and helped with the food & stuff) Bj and David had to leave early to visit a friend in the hospital. At the end of the reception, it was Lynda who jumped up, unasked, and started to work to help us clean the hall and do the dishes! Again, I had made no plans for someone to do this, and she was a life-saver!
    Life without Lynda? I don't think so! We are too close and have too many memories! Everyone should have at least one friend from childhood that stays with them, and Lynda is mine!

Lynda and Leland at Michelle's wedding

    Neats (Juanita) Quirk is another friend of mine! Our friendship came about in 1971 when her mother was dating my father, and I went to live with her family for awhile. I actually only stayed with them for 3 months, but during that short time we built a friendship that has withstood the test of time!
    Back then she went by a couple different nicknames: her family called her "Sis" and her friends called her "Weenie" (She liked it!!!). We enjoyed so many of the same things! And, we were lucky enough to be able to double date several times! It was so much fun!!! We quickly began to love each other like sisters, and it has never stopped!
    Neats and I are very close, though we live around 500 miles away from each other! She is married to a really nice guy named Ken, and though they have no children of their own, they enjoy lavishing love on their many nieces and nephews!
    Unfortunately, I don't have a recent pic of Neats & Ken, but I am placing an older one here till I get one!

Neats & Ken in 1984!

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