Christmas Spirit Page


Christmas is s special time, not just because of the merryment,
but because at this time of the year we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Not many people really stop and think that if it were not for his birth, we would not have anything to celebrate at all.
With this in mind, I would like to thank all of my friends, both real time and those whose faces I have yet to see, the ones
I chat with and share my spirit with for letting me share this most wonderful time of the year. To all of the friends I have met and been involved with in The Site Fights. Each and everyone of you has touched my heart and although I have many friends in real time and I have a wonderful family, you have been there for me each and everyday.
You have taught me that we can all share our love and spirit throughout the world with each other and because of this, you have brought hope and joy to both myself and my family.

Please never forget that you are all special, and to each and everyone Have a special and happy holiday season.
And please remember Jesus is the reason for the season! :=)

MERRY CHRISTMAS from The Site Fights
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Thank you DFairy Star!

The Site Fights Growing XMas Trees
Send a Site Fights Growing Christmas Tree!

Thank you D'Night Fairy

The Site Fights Growing XMas Trees
Send a Site Fights Growing Christmas Tree!

Thank you Stephanie

The Site Fights Growing XMas Trees
Send a Site Fights Growing Christmas Tree!

Thank you Emily

Happy Holidays
Send a Yule Logs!!!

Send a Site Fights Growing Christmas Tree!

Send a Site Fights Growing Christmas Tree!

Happy Holidays
Send a Stocking!!!

Happy Holidays
Send a Stocking!!!

Thank you D'Empyeran Scribe

The Site Fights Growing XMas Trees
Send a Site Fights Growing Christmas Tree!

From my bestest bud Angela, Thank you!!!

Happy Holidays
Send a Stocking!!!

Thank you D'Halo

The Site Fights Growing XMas Trees
Send a Site Fights Growing Christmas Tree!

My Christ Gift from Lady Java!

Thank you Lady Java!

MERRY CHRISTMAS from The Site Fights
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Thank you for the tree and the gift Teo

MERRY CHRISTMAS from The Site Fights
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Thank you Fairy Sqaw

Site Fights Spirit Counter

Thank you to all of my very special friends at The Site Fights for all of the wonderful presents and Merry Christmas.

My Favorite Christmas Story