The Seven B.E.A.R.S. Den

Hi! My name is Teri,
I live in the small village of American Corners with my husband Rick and
our five children, Brittany, Emily, Alan, Ricky & Stephanie.

I would like to dedicate this page to my family and friends.
Was it not for them, I think that I would go crazy.

My Dog Lollipop!

Rick has dedicated this
"Love pot"
to me!

Send someone a Love Pot
©Dorthé Bergh

Rick & Teri
August 17, 1996

I would like to tell you how the Seven B.E.A.R.S. came to be.
In 1993 I met and fell in love with a most wonderful man named Rick.
It was pretty much love at first sight.
I was introduced to Rick by my best friend Karen.
When I first saw him, I thought he was Karen's husband Richard, because he looked an awful lot like the picture she had shown me.
She told me that it was not her husband and I asked her to introduce us.
Karen made the call and the rest is history.

When Rick and I first met, we didn't realize that we had B.E.A.R.S., it took several years for us to figure that out.
We were trying to decide what we should put on our license plates when it hit us!!!!!
We had five children between the two of us and their initials spelled out the word bears.
We never did get the license plates, however, on August 17, 1996, we were married in a family ceramony.

In front of family and friends, our minister introduced us as
R.T. & THE B.E.A.R.S.

If you live anywhere east of the Mississippi River, you just might see
a big blue Volvo tractor trailer that has R.T. BEARS TRUCKING on the doors,
it's my husband Rick. We started our own trucking company in June of this year. If you happen to see him,
give him a beep or a wave.

A Hundred Years From Now.

A hundred years from now it will not matter
What was in my bank accounts
The kind of car I drove
The sort of house I lived in...
But the world may be different because I was important
In the life of a Child.
Author Unknown

For anyone who has ever had a child come up missing, you know exactly how I feel!

In the summer of 1997, on a beautiful sunny sunday morning, my oldest daughter and her best friend Sarah
decided they wanted to go for a walk down to the junior high school to play.
I told them to be back by 11:30 a.m., and not to be late as I had to take Sarah home.
11:30 came and went and I started to worry. I drove to the school and looked all over
but to no avail. I came home and told my husband, he started out looking at
their friends houses and asking neighbors if anyone had seen them.When no one knew where they were, we knew we had to call the police.

I called Sarah's mom and told her the one thing that I never thought I would have to tell another parent, "Our children are missing". Lorri came over and between
the State & local police and the Sheriffs Department, friends, neighbors & relitatives, the search for two 11 year old girls began.

The search went on for about four hours, at that time Lorri had called her parents who lived about 10 miles away from my house
and told them what had happened. She asked them to start driving towards my house in hopes that they might see them. The police had brought in the dogs and hellicoptors to join in the search.
When they asked Lorri and I for articles of clothing for the dogs to use for the girls scent, we both broke down and sobbed.

Just when things looked the darkest, the phone rang! It was Lorri's parents,
they had found the girls. A few minutes later, Mr. & Mrs. Smith pulled into the driveway with two very scared, exhausted and sore girls. Turns out that they had decided to walk to Sarah's grandparents house
not realizing that it was so far away. Lorri and I did not know what to do first, hug them or scold them.

The police wrote up their reports, the neighbors and friends went back home.

I feel very lucky that my daughter had only taken a walk with her friend
and not been abducted. Lorri, my husband and myself now tell all of our children never, ever to
just take off and go for a walk and not tell us where they are going. Even if it is just next door.

I now know what it feels like to think that you have lost a child.
I would not wish that feeling on my worst enemy. The gut wrenching, heart tearing feeling is one that I will never forget.
I still wake up some nights from the awful nightmare that haunts me of the day my daughter dropped out of sight.
I will never let it happen again!

My ICQ# 29734349

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