Welcome to...

~Ashley's Corner~

Hi!  My name is Ashley and I am a sweet, full of energy 3 year old. My birthday is February 24, 1997. I spend my days playing with all kinds of toys.  My favorite thing to do is play with my big sister, Erin. While sometimes we have some disagreements, we usually have a great time together!!!  My little sister Emily is growing leaps and bounds and she is starting to play.  Erin and I just know she can't wait to run from our dogs, Jake and Holly like we do.  I am a very smart little girl, I can count pretty well and I know all my colors.  I can't wait to start school like Erin.  I want to be big just like her. 

Here's me and Erin....aren't we sweet?

Some of my favorite things to do....

Play with my DADDY!!!

I LOVE Blue's Clues!!  I even know the songs!

You should visit Blue here!!  Erin helps me on the computer and we play all kinds of games with Blue and Steve!

I am also a HUGE Disney fan...just like my Mommy, Daddy and Erin, too.

Here I am with the seven dwarfs.  My Grandma McNinch gave these to me and Erin and we LOVE them!  We even set them up on the couch when we watch Snow White!  :)

~My favorite movie.......

....and, just like my Mommy...my favorite characters are......

Can you guess?

Need a hint???

You got it!! I love Winnie the POOH!!!!

Well, I sure hope you had fun, come back soon to learn more about me!!!  Be sure to check out our picture page, too. 


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since April 22, 2000.