Any QUESTIONS- about sex problems. spec. Orgasmic incapacity (for woman) 1- General answer 2 - More private conversation (medical & psychiatric + CBT) No charge
Be happy- Something just happened. You start thinking .... and adds??? to Your misery? Good thinking makes You happier. Bad thinking adds to Your misery. The formula for suffering: Si+In=Su
Situation+Interpretation= Suffering
60% comes with Si 40% more from the In ... adding up to total disaster (100%) If You can bring down In 50% the total Suffering is only 80% and a far cry from catastrophy
ad Si - try to study your situation objectively Choose one part. Take it out. Put a Name on. Write it down. Shorten. Make arrows pointing to related phenomena. Categorize with coulors. Allow no flutter. Focus on Nr 1. Then 2-> 3 .... Go over until it has condensed and is distilled to a nice taste.
Then bend it. Take a look from the side (both) Look down (distance-ing)
update the names Make a short list with part Problems named. Deal with them one by one.
During this thinking process feelings and actions should be minimized (cold clear cognition) Now allow Your feelings to feel as You browse through the list. This may hurt. But also inspire some aux. thoughts. Modify the names if that feels and is OK And remember to stay focused The definite list should be typed. Made small and transportable What You have done is: working according to the old triad: Think-Feel-Do I myself has a triangle made of silver with green-blue-red coulors for my Triad Then Action! Either in Fantasy (in vitro) or real life (in vivo) And during every activity some questions will be answered from the resulting phenomena Well! is it not what most people always do? Yes. But this quite conscious technique goes on while You all the time knows:
I´am in the thinking, feeling or doing ... mode (module) (paradigm) ... and there is more:
put 3 names for problems in one line 2-3 names for thoughts+feelings and plans
Now with 3 lines you can do some crossing over-logically or arbitrary- from this move emerge more ideas With hard paper it is easy to change items and put them side by side ... singing the Cole Porter song ... during this, Your mental jogging More advanced-follow Your Senses taste Your ideas (compare: The sweet taste of revenge) Or if it has a stale smell Afterwards You will know ... and can ad the result to Your List of standard procedures Young people, like children often act or run as fast as the can when a thought have struck Grown ups may do this also: It is called Impulsivity and is nice in the proper context (to be used with prudence) Presidental Word
positive thinking
There is suffering in a negative Situation
The feelings are almost overwhelming. As fast as You can: focus on the positive that is lurking nearby or emerges as a result of some parts of the negative.
Vizualise this small bit of item. ... Just because of the dark surroundings it is clearly visible.
Wait until the small but valuable positiv bit comes through. Grab it.
Thus: look it up and write them down (in green or yellow) Then: You may elaborate on it and start a growing processmore thought manipulation polarisation- put Your idea on a horsontal line __________ vizualisation mark the endings with (-) & (+) move it to the left and feel things going more negative, lighter, smaller etc. Then try some right manæuvers. Any pair of comparable versions can be tried. And feelings are let in when You feel for it. The possibility of enacting may also come in play. Use a large frontal mirror. Thinking and feeling, intermingled, is also what usually happens during common brooding .... -> but look at the sliding scale during this exercise. Visualizing during thinking and feeling may help clarify certain things of the whole conglomerate For example: if you feel angry try monitor aggressiveness in the desired direction Or if You feel bad about a problem try talking about it Speak out to yourself. Even crying, loud, with words .... And by the way-why are You feeling those emotions? Habit? "Hello old Habit, are You here again? If a habit is monitored by som other person (mother) talk back to her Then do what comes naturally? for You. I myself have a set of rigid performances, like when I do the dishes ... but other things are flying by the seat of my pants
So?? what is this called? The answer my love is blowing in the wind/Bob D) polarisation rigid---- loose Some performances=very strict & others (most of them) very spontaneously. .
time out- here is a common example: common cold .. You have a bit of a flu. Slight temperature.
Go to bed and enjoy it: sleep late. Drink favorities (called primary gain) And: Let somebody care for You and do Your work (secondary gain). It is dangerous to work with viruses in the muscles. Everyone knows that (called rationalization) The situation is feverish but dont start catastrophizing Listen to Shakespeare: "For there is nothing either good or bad; but thinking makes it so" Now: You have time to do some reading. Sort photos. Call distant friends. Viruses don't attack over the phone something bright So: You have found something good? A tiny winy thing? There it is. Like a pearl.. Small but shining.
Hold it carefully. Roll it around. Like the muscles do. It grows. Yes! it does. But slowly. In muscles it take years. Focus mentally and make the beautiful magnify. And: if it still is very small it might be powerful. Even a little bit can bring about a big change. Vitamins and enzymes do. They are like servosystems. Boosting things up your soul- inside there may now be oscillations. Your foundation is perhaps rocking? Well, something must stir in order to achieve a new direction of your thoughts. motion Nerves can make You jump, around and in different directions ... or forward. Well! Stay there for a second and ponder the possibilities: "If this happens, that will come and is good/not good". Return home and till Your ongoing Now. Your dancing thoughts can give You som ideas which seem crazy. Keep them for later use. Retrieve Your systematic mind exercise
more problem solving Put all thoughts and some feelings into Your brain and go to sleep 8 hours later it emerges fresh and crisp. Catch it immediately and write on paper.
Sleeping on it ... is the Method of choise- for bigger problems.
relaxation try a self-induced trance-laying down. Many ideas float up. Especially when waking or going to sleep.
Start noticing the waking-up-minutes. Write it all down immediately
take Your own steps One step forward: Imagine You just jump-in fantasy. Take on gigant step into the future... look at what might happen. And when You are in a °thinking mode° THINK about it Then let your FEELINGs flow. Try to feel what might be felt. In a different situation at another time. Even fantasize about happenings that will happen but may not. Because You really never know. Nobody knows Then go back to reality and compare This technique is 3-dimensional ... using the philosophy triad: think-feel-act- And there are others: me-you-situation- Before-now-after- Ad Your own Triad. I myself have a wooden Pyramide with different wood i the sides. It smells nice, too Polarize- think: "What is going to happen to (me) to him/to her ... and try being him or her-for a while 4-dimensions- like a cube. The forth side is the time. another mind JOGGLER: follow : Your 5 senses: "It looks OK"(sight) This sounds as a good ide´(hearing) "It feels fine" "Has a rotten smell" "Gives me a bad taste" People have different prefs they allways follow. Try a change. Well and now ... sometimes & intermittently ... You may endulge i gray mud and nervousness. There lurks a certain lust down there. But then go back and do some mindwork, again 15 minutes of misery and then 15 min. of mindwork (1/1) Bargain with yourself Or give 1/2 or 1/3 proportions
expansionDuring these mind exercises You may have noticed some particularities in your innermost soul?... Maybe You are to rigid. Follows a pattern. See it? Try to summarize (I always ... ) Then Name it! Shaving in a very special way: "Mr Clean" The kitchen must be shining: "Mrs Tidy" The Pattern: € is here. Try to drag it out --- from little--more or vice versa break your habit were it is most time consuming. Change small bits. Until you can take no more. Feeling dimension: then investigate with Your feelings for a few days. Change if nessesary Dont just think about this. Do it. All in the acting out dimension listen to Yourself. What was that Word? Must? for obligations. Must not! for pleasure. Change them!! Some hear a demanding father or teacher. Leave him in the past where he belongs, when You have grown up. On the other hand. If You are to loose try to install some strict rules. Develop gradually or take small pieces and change. polarization I myself am very much either-or so I try to mix into something °lagom° that unique Swedish word meaning: °Not to much and not too little° All this only means that You have studied yourself and become aware. Congratulations! and to summarize If thoughts bother You? take control! Are they looping? --- straighten out. Feelings feeling OK? Good. Otherwise: make them. But best of all: Doing the right thing All by yourself or with a little help of Your friend: the cognitive therapist
Magnify Your coping capability! Done!!!