Christine Ann Young-Beavers

I was born on March 10, 1973 in San Jose, Califorina.  I was rasied in Oak Ridge, Tennessee where I presently live with My husband, William Robert Beavrs, Jr.  and my little boy.  I have lived in Oak Ridge for about 20 years. I  was married to my husband on March 13, 1998 on Friday the 13th.   Great day to get married!!

Alan and Christine Beavers

I love to read and walk in the park and to ride bikes when I can.  I love to play on computers and work on my webpages.  I used to bowl but had to stop that because of work.

I have a great family, and a great church family (my small group from Faith Promise Church.  My natural family- a great mom and dad.  A wonderful sister,Donna, and a brother -in-law.  From my sister, I have one niece, Ashely who is a few momths younger than my son.  From my husband side, I have a mother-in-law and a step father-in-law, and A father-in-law and a step-mother-in-law.  From his mom and dad, I have a sister-in-law and a brother-in-law and two nephews.   A bunch of special cousins, and a new one on the way in November.. Good luck Barb!

My best friends in the world are Lisa Erickson-Hook and Chrissi Portelli.  I hope I spelled her last name right.  I have been friends with Lisa since high school and with Chrissi for about 6 years now.  We meet on a talker and been friends ever since.  She lives in Austraila.  Chrissi and I call each other net.sisters.  We both almost have the same name.. Chrissi and Chrissie :)

Other links:
Faith Promise Church

If you have a webpage you want added.. let me know:)

Resort: A talker
Forest: A talker
Foothills: A talker

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Updated Aug. 11,2000