Well you've reach the last page of my web site.
Kinda neat hey !!!!!
Here are some neat link's Dad used to create this web site, including some too friends who
helped out . And of course some just good old cool stuff . So check them out if you like and thanks for visiting with me here .
Dad doesn't know anything about POKEMAN but hey what do you expect from an adult HEHEHEH!!
This link is to Pokemon Village which has more great links to other pokemon sites . So enjoy guys
To Wolf Park and Monty Sloan . He has some ahsome wolf pics and aloud me to use some here . Thanks Monty
This is dad's friend Angel. She loves to write and sketch so visit her place . She even wrote some stuff for me and painted the back ground on this page
Dad was kinda hesitant to put in this link because he thought people might not understand .
He doesn't blame the Scouts just the two guys . And apperacaites what Andrew did !!!!
So please visit Scouts Canada . It's a great organization
Dee  help with this project as well . Orginally and still at her
site are some of Philip's drawings . It's a great place to visit
and spend time
Some of the clip art cam from  Clip Art
This is where most of the clip art came from . Lots of free stuff plus lots more
There are many unforunate  kid's in this
world why should we make more of them !!!! Please if you know of a child that's being aboused or missing click on this lick and help out!!! 
I hope you
enjoyed yourself and well visit again cause dad will be
adding and changing it all the time so see you for now
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