This page background is trade marked and registered  property of Reema
Thank you  Reema
Another new page Dad add is this one  for those of
you who like to write peotry  .
So please send the old grouch something it might
make him  smile once and awhile !!!
I gaze up into the stars above
Twinkling jewels like your love

Glistening tears how they fall
As remember most of all

Here I am about to share
Staani's deepest dispair

To the east - I do see
What I wait for over the sea

The coming of Gods brand new day
And this I am about to say

Gentle reminders of your face
Come rushing back at such pace

How could I think  I forgot
Your last words - " Forget - me - not "

I settle back  to wait awhile
It reminds me of  your golden smile

The fingers of dawn sneak across the skies
Like the twinkling of your soft green eyes

The splash of colour warms my soul
You whisper softly " It's my Baby Doll "

The pinkest pink, the goldest gold
Wish you were here - Here to hold

I watch  the sunlift up high
Like a bird about to fly

It pauses for a slight moment
And i know it is the heaven sent

Not a sound is there to hear
Gods peace is everywhere

My heart it does slowly beat
As I farewell to tomorrow

To share again my deepest sorrow
Only  you and I did know
Our very specail little glow

My heart continues to fill with ache
Till tomorrow mama - when we awake

Thank you  Chickie for the love poem
XOXOXO from Philip

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