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Rick Berry Gallery

6/7/2000  Vision of the Multitude of Horses

While worshiping and spending time with the Lord He revealed the following vision:

I saw a great multitude of horses, as far as I could see. They were intense, with their nostrils flaring and pawing the ground. Here and there one would rear up, whinnying. Their eyes were wide with excitement and expectation as though they were about to be released and were anticipating it.

I then noticed that the apparent "leader" of the herd was before me on my left. It was a great and majestic pure white horse. Larger than the rest of them. His nostrils were flared wide open and he stomped the ground before him. Yet, it was not ground. It appeared to be as though there was a fog or white vapor upon what would be the ground. I sensed that we were atop the clouds.

Suddenly the Lord was atop the great steed, dressed in a white gown, then armor, then a white gown, then armor. He held a great sword in His right hand extended upward, as though going into battle.

(Note: none of the horses, including the Lord’s, had any saddles, bridles, reins or any "normal" riding apparatus. )

I knew in my spirit that the Lord desired to leave right now to come for His bride. When He turned to look upon me, His eyes were flames of fire. I remember feeling that were I not a child of God I would have been very intimidated and frightened. His demeanor was quite fierce.

Then I heard the Father say, "No, not yet, we must wait just a while longer." I felt the Lord’s heart as He so desires His Bride.

The vision ended abruptly and I was left with such a burden for the lost that I thought my heart would break in two. I knew it was the Father’s heart I was feeling, but just a measure of what He endures for his children.

The Lord said to proclaim that the time is VERY near, the Lord has mounted in His desire to come for His bride.

Thanks Candace D. Gurney and psdreams

Through Kathie Walters Thursday, February 17, 2000

Last Year many hundreds of people all around the world had the same vision, around the same time, it was very exciting!

The vision was of Jesus seated upon a big white horse. The horse was behind some very big gates and the gates were closed. The horse was stomping its feet and kicking up gold dust from the ground. Some of the gold dust was coming through a crack in the gates. I also saw this vision last year.

Last week in Scotland, at Catherine Brown's conference in Edinburgh, while worshipping in the meeting on Wednesday (9th Feb) I suddenly got beside myself as I saw another vision of Jesus on that white horse.


When I saw it I didn't know what to do with myself apart from jumping up and down and screaming..I'm sure many other people had this vision as so many had the first one..


The move of God and visitation of the King is near - imminent. I would just say this "Make sure you are in the right place, doing the right thing, in the right way, at the right time. Then you will be all lined up to flow with HIM - its going to awesome. The Lord showed me something else too - when a King visits another king, he brings many wonderful presents as a token of his respect and love.

In this visitation the King is bringing many presents to the Body - not that we are to get distracted by gifts- but nevertheless, they are on their way.. use them wisely and unselfishly, and most of all enjoy THE PRESENCE OF THIS WONDERFUL KING JESUS." - I'm wired - can you tell?

Blessings Kathie Walters Good News Ministries

Thank you Elijah List!

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