Here we stand with the four living creatures who do not rest day or night crying
"Holy! Holy! Holy!". Beautiful! You are majestic, more radiant that
diamonds. You are clothed in splendor and majesty. We want to be gazers on
Your surpassing beauty. Amaze us! Capture us with the Romance of night and day
prayer. Take us into that beauty realm! Let us stand on that living sapphire
sea of glass and worship You on Your diamond throne next to the sapphire throne of Jesus,
the only One worthy Lamb, the only One worthy to open the seals of Your justice on the
earth. Forever You will fascinate us Lord. King of wonder! Prince of
beauty! Wise and good! Pure! Apart from any created thing. You are holy!
There is no silence in Heaven, worship all the time! Come join the
King of transcendent beauty, Your beauty infinitely surpasses the beauty of any created
thing, sparkling like jasper, burning with passion for Your people. Holy! Holy!
Holy! We love to worship You! We love Your presence, Lord God Almighty, Who was, Who is,
and Who is to come. You are holy in that You stand apart from anything that
defiles! You are holy in that You are completely other than any created thing.
You are holy in Your wisdom and goodness.
You are worthy! Your worth infinitely surpasses the worth of any created thing.
It's only justice that every knee should bow before You. It's only justice that You
should received the affections of all mankind. It's only justice that You should
receive all glory. You created everything and, when all was lost, bought it
back with your lifeblood on the cross. Let Your Kingdom come! Kingdom come!
Kingdom come! We will not relent. We will take Your Kingdom by force.
Show us Your sparkling glory! Better is one hour in Your house than a thousand
hours anywhere else! We only want to bring You something real, something true,
change us O God from glory to glory, as we gaze into the face of Your revealed splendor.
We ask for grace to live the fasted lifestyle.
What a peaceful holiday season! Is it a calm before the storm or are we changing
somehow? The more time I spend in Your presence at IHOPKC the more time I want to spend.
It seem a little piece of heaven on earth. Peace that passes understanding is
what You called it. How true! I enjoyed watching Ever After and Toy Story 2
with You.
Dreams of IHOPKC ~ We were in the International House of Prayer
and Mike asked us to come outside to practice for an emergency. As we exited the
building someone shouted "The emergency is here!" We stepped off the porch
into knee-deep mud and everyone started twirling and dancing wildly and having a great
time playing in the mud. When I wanted to go home it was not possible and Don and
SMiles were in another car. I tried to get them to come with me but somehow I ended
up alone and lost. I keep getting the message that there is no going home or does
that mean no going back?
Second dream: We were in the House of Prayer and people were drinking something that
they called Mike's energy drink. I asked Mike if it really was his energy drink and
he said that it was. The strange thing is that Mike was covered with a black shroud and
was virtually invisible but I recognized his voice. I thought the shroud was intercession.
Third dream: We were in the House of Prayer and Mike was teaching. There was a terrible
storm and the roads were devastated with huge gaps so that no one could come or go. I was
driving a 4 wheel drive vehicle with some children inside and somehow made it to the store
for supplies. More than anything I wanted to go home but the gaps in the road made that
impossible. Todd G. had a shovel and was trying to fill in the ditches to make the road
usable but he was being attacked by hornets.
I went back into the House of Prayer and they were selling warrior action figures for
$14.95 each, seven to a set. Mike walked up and said that he wanted the whole set. For
some reason he was not able or allowed to buy them for himself. Someone else would have to
buy them for him.
"Which ones do you have?" I asked.
He answered "I don't have any of them yet."
"Which is your favorite?" I asked, thinking I could afford to buy him one.
"I won't even go there," he answered and walked away.
When I give you the first hour of my day that my time goes farther or does it just seem
that way? And when we give You the tithe our money goes farther. It doesn't
make sense but it seems to work that way.
What funny dreams I have. Last night I told someone on the train that I
had been raised from the dead twice. When the conductor took the train off the
track I just jumped off and started walking on the water. Are those different levels
of faith? We had a couple of miracles reported in the prayer room and You are
singing over me again. Thanks!
This morning, in a SciFi scenario, I saw Goliath resurrected in a giant robot
body; but You had Your David in place, complete with a praying grandmother. I saw
them put Goliath's head back on in the robot armor, but it was obvious that he was more
than they could handle. I knew that little David was predestined for such a time as
this in spite of his grandmother's concern when she saw him beamed up into the space
I dreamed that everything I ever lost in my life was going to be restored but there was
a funny little thing: when I moved out of my friend's house I left some clothes
there. When I asked her about them she said she wasn't going to give them to me
because she was "too tacky." What is that supposed to mean? That's a
very funny dream to me.
Missed a couple of dates and I keep thinking of the song "Stood up, broken hearted
again." Sorry! I hope to do better in the future with Your help of
course. Still I love You more than any other but You know that.
Good to hear you singing again! You are pleased about something. Want to
let me in on it? Deep calls to deep in the midst of your waterfall. I have
the joy of being in places that cause your Spirit to rise in me in love songs to
You. Besides that, we are being challenged to spend an hour a day loving You with
angel's words and songs. The 24 hour house of prayer ~ is that what it's all
about? The International House of Prayer is a place of gladness! You make your
people joyful in Your house of prayer, and Your house will be called a house of prayer for
all nations. Isa. 56:7
I need a new perspective on eternity. Revelation says that one third of the
people will die in the final generation by Your wrath. Since You are good and in
control then this must be a good thing. I did my math and realized that if a third
of my immediate family died that would be 5 of us. That's different than thinking
about a third of the people in Africa, America, or even Kansas City dying. Wonder
if I would be mad at You. We never know how we will react in a given situation until
we are in it. I bow down and kiss the Son. Some of the things I am coming to
understand lately are no fun at all but I agree with Your redemptive justice.
In a dream I was spirited into a beautiful palace where I saw a queen, partially
obscured, behind a many colored veil. I knew several things in my dream. Her
name was Jezebel and she was beautiful, seductive, and deadly; and she wanted me. She
brought me in through a ruby ring but I was in and out of her realm before she could touch
me. When I woke up I felt that she still wanted me. Lord I trust in Your
protection and thank you for getting me out and keeping me. Let me not be vulnerable
to the ruby ring. You are good and You are in control. I worship only You!
It's 2:42AM and I still can't sleep. We blessed Your justice on Kansas City's 4
princes tonight at the IHOP.
Don't know all the implications but it was a very sacred time. This is the second
time recently that I felt we were methodically acting out a scenario that was written in
eternity past. This is certainly a time of Divine intervention. It is as
thought we were born for such a time as this. I want to go on record up front as
agreeing with Your redemptive judgments. They are right and good. You are good
and You are in control. I worship You!
The vision reminded me of a dream I had a few years back about 4 rings of princes that
represented 4 areas of deception giving the enemy access to our churches. I'm
certain they are the same 4 princes. In the dream they had to give us their
rings. In the vision they were bound by angels who are awaiting directions to lift
the veil of deception over the city. Maybe the dream and vision are about the same
thing. So be it!
How the cries of your people in pain tear at my heart! I was going to go back to
bed and have some quiet time when I received some urgent prayer requests and was energized
with the cries for help. They are your people and only You have the power to touch
them in a way that will last so I'm asking you now to meet Your people, who are crying for
help at their point of need and show them how much You love them today, Accept my tears as
intercession, . In the name of Jesus.
"You are feeling My heart for My people and you only needed to ask."
I love You!
What's the deal with all the gold teeth? I've been hearing about you giving
people gold teeth and fillings all over the place. I heard that one guy even had all
of his teeth returned to normal except for one gold filling in the shape of a cross.
"What do you think signs and wonders are for?"
To make people like me wonder I guess. One of the seers said that the gold teeth
are a sign that the church will be able to receive the meat of the Word. Another one
said that You are making our speech golden. Wonder what that means? Will our
words have more authority when we speak Your Word?
"There you go wondering again. Why don't you ask Me?"
I just did but You answer questions with questions. I know one thing for sure.
You don't do anything without a reason and the reason is usually to draw people to
Yourself. I suppose golden speech is God speech ~ Your words instead of ours.
"What do teeth symbolize in the Bible"
Mostly authority I guess, like when the teeth of a beast are broken they have no more
power for aggression. And gold symbolizes our relationship with God. So is
this a symbol of power with God? I could get excited about that!
I listen to Your love songs over and over and I get a message of faithfulness,
commitment, trust, worship, adoration, heartache, and forgiveness. Not a lot
different from expectations of a earthly romance. Only earthly romances can never
live up the the expectations.
Another Anna dream! What's with this Anna thing anyway? I dreamed our
pastor took my hand and the hand of the Faceless Man. He called me Anna and we
danced around the church like a whirlwind and everywhere we danced revival broke out.
People were rejoicing, weeping, and repenting all over the place.
First love is farther back than I thought. There is no passion like the fire of a
teenager in love. Of course I'm talking about the fantasy more than the reality.
There is more to returning to my first Love than I thought. I feel like a
teenager again with all the fun-loving energy and restlessness that goes with it.
This could be fun if it endures long enough to get us where we want to go.
You come to me in my dreams as my childhood and teen idol. You sit close beside
me and listen to the beat of my heart. I am overcome with love.
"I have a vision for this city," You whisper. "I'm staying
until Autumn. Together we will attend the classes and prayer meetings."
"And after that?" I ask.
"After that depends on your responses."
Clothed in purple and black silk, I watch my Lover practice fencing with a wooden
sword. I determine to capture Your heart in the given time frame. You are so
handsome and full of life! I wonder how I will be changed by Autumn. You call
me Anna but I know that Anna is a group. We all join in the game with the
understanding that we will be in perpetual training until the end of Summer. |