Susi Daniel - 07/11/00 01:33:33 My URL: My Favorite Form of Exercise: walking!!! | Comments: Hey all, I found your site from Ruby...what a great lady she is! I'm a walker in Chicago, have done 2 Avon Breast Cancer 3days (and counting...) and have enjoyed reading about you guys on your site! If anyone's interested, I have a website about the my 3-day experiences: Great site, HI RUBY! keep walking, everyone!!! |
Rain - 06/07/00 18:12:59 Favorite Form of Exercise: walking of | Comments: I enjoyed reading about each and every one of you and hearing your stories...sounds like a great group and wouldn't take long to outgrow wishes to all of you! |
Maggie Hromada - 09/26/99 01:15:49 My | Comments: Add these names to walk all over the beast. Maggie, Millie, Mary, Bev, |
- 07/19/99 18:07:13 | Comments: |
Shirl - 07/19/99 18:04:20 My | Comments: |
maura cooper - 06/17/99 09:48:05 My Favorite Form of Exercise: running, walking | Comments: Thanks for a great visit! Everyone's story was sointeresting. I will be thinking of all of you when I walk the Avon 3day here in Atlanta on Oct 1,2,3. Bless you all! |
Sue - 05/26/99 18:24:12 My URL: My Favorite Form of Exercise: Walking | Comments: Your website is great. It's wonderful a group of you walkers have joined together and are such good buddies! |
gabe sorrells - 05/04/99 01:47:44 My URL:http://thrive My Favorite Form of Exercise: power walking | Comments: i'm delighted to have discovered your website, how inspiring! please allow me to join. |
Karin Globus - 04/28/99 02:16:16 My URL: My Favorite Form of Exercise: Walking | Comments: Hello Great site! We are in sunny Florida beautiful St. Petersburg. I am the founder of the Walkers-Gym and we swing the Body Bat Aerobic Exerciser with every step. It creates a total cardio-muscular workout. We enjoy each others company and the beautiful outdoors and fres air.I invite you to view our site.BEST OF HEALTH! Ms. Karin |
Angela - 04/15/99 20:22:49 My Favorite Form of Exercise: swimming | Comments: Lyn is a friend of mine and I walk around my lake thinking about this lovely group of people that found eachother? cool beans....ange |
Marcie - 03/20/99 17:31:13 My Favorite Form of Exercise: walking | Comments: I think your site is neat. I would really like to find a weight loss partner near my hometown of Denver,Co. I am 51 yrs. young and quite overweight but am determined to lose alot of weight. In fact I have already lost about 25-30 pounds. With spring almo t here I figure it's a great time to start hitting the trails. I love walking through the woods etc. Have a great day and keep up the good work. Marcie |
Kris - 03/09/99 18:03:16 My URL:this one!!! My Favorite Form of Exercise: walking!!!!! | Comments: well we are getting better all the time. Now we can send our link to OPRAH!!!! |
Dot Eddleman - 03/07/99 21:08:00 My URL: My Favorite Form of Exercise: Walking | Comments: Enjoyed your page. Very pretty. |
- 03/04/99 18:24:29 | Comments: |
Barbara - 03/04/99 07:13:54 Favorite Form of Exercise: Crafts | Comments: Hi guys! Friend of Ruby. You all sound like super duper people. Keep up the good stuff. |
Carol Wilson - 03/03/99 19:03:25 My URL: My Favorite Form of Exercise: Walking/Stationary Bike | Comments: Anyone who needs support and motivation should visit the WonderWalkers'll never leave! A great bunch of folks and the best group of friends! |
kathy desch - 03/02/99 01:14:21 | Comments: is this group the Chub Club incognito? |
Howard Douglas - 03/01/99 02:44:58 My Favorite Form of Exercise: Running | Comments: I listed running as my favorite form of exercise. What I do most is walking because my knees will not allow me to run as much as I wish. You did a great job on this site. Thank you very much. Hugs Howard |
Lynn - 03/01/99 00:49:16 My URL:This one!!! My Favorite Form of Exercise: What else????? Walking! | Comments: Can't tell you how many times this "Walking Board" has saved my sanity! What a great bunch of folks! |
Kris - 02/28/99 23:14:50 My Favorite Form of Exercise: walking of course | Comments: hi everyone. You all look marvelous! |
kat;) - 02/28/99 22:55:56 My URL:why this one, of course!! My Favorite Form of Exercise: Walking!!!!! | Comments: Dear Missy, Thank you so very much for creating just a fantastic WW site for us. You should be very proud of yourself.......I know your mom is.....teehee......hugs to you hon, luv, kathy |
Missy - 02/28/99 22:21:30 My URL:/Heartland/Pointe/5731 My Favorite Form of Exercise: Taking my frustration out on my computer :) | Comments: Hi WW! Hope you are all enjoying your page! |