After the loss of my Ugly 13 November 2004, I gave considerable thought about taking her page off, but I just couldn't do it. She's still missed so very much. Even now, almost 2009, as I give her pages a face lift.
After being contacted by another Doxoodle owner, Sharon Confer, who owns Hope Daisy Dog, I decided to add more about the Doxoodles and dogs in need of rescuing. If these pages help even one dog find a good forever home I'll be very happy, please let me know if they did.

Goodbye For Now My Friend

1986 - 13 Nov 2004

I've had lots of people asking how I could call such a beautiful dog, UGLY. She's beautiful now but she was the ugliest puppy I have ever
Her mother was a Reg. Dachshund, father a Reg. Poodle. She belonged to a friend of mine, but Ugly choose me to own.
She's owned me for eighteen years now. Whatever Ugly wants Ugly gets. What she loves most is, riding fast in the car. in my lap, with the window down and her head as far out the window as she can get, with me hanging on to her tail.
She can't do that for long now as she has arthritis in her back legs. She can't sit up and beg like she did, can't see very well and thank God she can't hear it thunder her nose works great and she, like me is getting senile.
Through the good and bad times she has always been there for me.

She has a four year old black and silver Miniature Schnauzer sister, Gabbie, short for Gabriella Sarsaparilla and a very sweet, salt and pepper, brother Charlie, AKA Charliehorse, but there is only one Ugly.

They say, "Schnauzers Rule", Ha!!!
The One And The Only...The Ugly.

Gabriella Sarsaparilla's Page

A.K.A Gabbie
22 August 2000
03 November 2006

A.K.A. Charliehorse

Thanks to David and Janice Fancher, Ugly and Gabbie have a new little brother, Charlie.
He is a salt and pepper Minature Schnauzer.


Charlie's new little sister Dot.
Dottie is a Black and Tan Long Haired Dapple Miniature Dachshund

Ugly and friends
Gretchen and Edel

Whispering Glen Arabian Horse Farm
Meet Lars and Gretchen, rescued Giants and Edel
a Mini Schnauzer with the heart and attitude of a Giant.
Visit their site to see some awesome pictures of them at work in agility,
showing what can be done with rescued dogs, given the proper care and training.

Lorrie's Pet Pages

These beautiful girls are owned by,
Harmony Arabian Horse Farm

Shadow and Maggie's Place

Owned By; The Waters Family
(Hold curser over picture)
Owned by, The Waters Family

Ella Enchanted

Owned By; Debbie McDonald

Another Beautiful Doxoodle!!!!!

Hope Daisy Dog

Hope Daisy Dog's Page

Visit her page and read about her rescue. You can also see her before and after pictures in the link below at Ugly's Rescued Doxoodles.
Owned By; Sharon Confer

You'll find more Beautiful Doxoodles here;
Ugly's Rescued Doxoodles

Ugly thinks every pet owner should read this,

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