Oh my... look at all of this chocolate frosting... I wonder what's going on in here? I wonder what it is about chocolate that we all need it so badly? Is it just the way it tastes? Or is it true about the chemical in chocolate duplicating the emotions we have when we are first falling in love? Why is it so sexy? Could it be a combination of everything that chocolate is? Maybe it just brings back memories of the chocolate bunnies the Easter Bunny brought us and the occasional chocolate bar we bought as children? Or perhaps the sweet, sentimental gifts of Valentine's Days past? Or loads of loot after trick-or-treating? Hot chocolate after winter's sledding perhaps? Who knows all of the reasons we love it.. maybe we don't need to understand it to love it.. wow.. sounds like a man doesn't it? LOL

I can't answer those questions... but I know why the following "piece" of chocolate is sexy lol

Ohhhh, I need several of these Harrison Ford bars. Some to keep and some to eat. Now isn't he just yummilicious?

Oh, now this might do the trick. *lol*


I got my signs from Cranky Angel's Web Creations. These signs and a whole lot more are available in her "Signs for the Rest of Us" section. The "not just for breakfast" sign she made at my suggestion. So, I just hadda put it up. *lol*

This is a silly graphic I made one day when I was in a silly mood.

Oh, and everyone's favorite.

Hey!! Deze iz my choklatz .. please don't STEAL them!!!!