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11/11/99 09:10:12
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Website de Niza. Gracias por dejarme firmar su guestbook

Tracey(doodsis) - 05/05/99 23:59:53
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nf/singlemother/index.html
My Email:doodsis_98@yahoo.com

hi Hon((HUGS)) WELL I am VERY impressed If you had seen my first homepage you would have laughed!!! This is wonderful and believe me it doesn't stop, now that you are started...LOL

Auntie Em - 05/05/99 23:48:11

Oh i am so proud of you! My book says it will take 21 days to learn html...*hahahahahaha* I think they're dreamin'! But, I think I can.... crossez lil phingers.....

Sherr - 05/05/99 23:40:31
My URL:http://gokhan.home.mindspring.com/Sherry/Sherr.htm
My Email:sherbe@mindspring.com

Well this certainly doesn't *look* like a beginner's page!! Very lovely and you have a way with words. I saw your posting on the loth msg board and I enjoyed my visit :) Take care, ~ Sherr

Ruth G - 05/05/99 22:27:06
My URL:/Wellesley/4728/index.html
My Email:ruthg@ycis.com

Mary, I just wanted to say I think you have made a wonderful start. Now that you have the basics it is all uphill from here :)) I took 18 months and 4 changes to get my site where it is today. So just keep on keepin on....Will be back soon for updates.... Good luck my friend.

moni - 05/05/99 22:12:01
My URL:/Heartland/Lane/6426/index.html

you've done a wonderful job Mary! keep up the awesome work!! so proud of you!! HUGS

Kare Grayson - 05/05/99 21:28:16
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/graysonsangel
My Email:angelofmine_99@yahoo.com

You are off to a wonderful start!

*hugs from a LOTH sister*

GGG - 05/05/99 20:38:19
My Email:kd4tkl@mail.ivprog.com

Oh Mary I am sooooo proud of you! Arn't you tickled I know you are! Great job now you are hooked! hehe

Allison - 05/05/99 19:54:06
My URL:/SoHo/Village/1652/
My Email:poet@redriverok.com

Hey ya Mary!!! Here I be....hugs and congrats on your site!!!

- 05/05/99 19:15:58


suzy - 05/05/99 19:15:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Garden/8929/
My Email:tonyandsuzy@erols.com

I enjoyed your site and I will be checking back to see as you add to it. Smile LOTH sis, suzy

sondra - 05/05/99 19:13:06
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ny2/gaurdian/nowandforever.html
My Email:sxkitty742@aol.com

you have a great site started keep up the good work loth member

Cindy - 05/05/99 18:07:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/1860
My Email:symphony@writeme.com

Hi Mary! I'm just a fellow LOTH sister...thought I'd drop by to sign your guestbook! *grin* You are doing a great job on your pages...keep up the good work!

Laney - 05/05/99 17:56:30
My Email:buzybee@cheerful.com

Wow Mary, you did a wonderful job! I love it.

MAry - 05/05/99 16:30:28
My URL:/Heartland/Pointe/4171
My Email:jesusluv@citrus.infi.net

oh, Mary!! I am so happy you have finally done it!!! Your site is beautiful and will only continue to grow! (((hug)))

Carebear (Carrie) - 03/28/99 11:29:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Lake/8013
My Email:carriew73@hotmail.com


Hi Mary *S* .. I love what you have started with your site and can't wait to come back and keep checking on the new things you do and the recipes you add. Cooking lessons sound great also!!! Take care

Love Carrie

Carol - 03/27/99 01:48:45
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/al/angiegra/carol.html
My Email:cmb77@eclipsetel.com

Your page is so dainty and sweet! I love it. Thank you for signing my guest book that my beautiful Bunny Buddy made for me!

Cookie - 03/26/99 00:30:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Bluffs/6584/
My Email:cookie@danet.net

Hi I wanted to say you have a lovely site and thank you for signing my guestbook. ((((HUGS))))

Sheila Connole - 03/25/99 08:37:08
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/millennium/savannah/376/index.html
My Email:sheila@jnpcs.com

Hey sweetie---I finally made it!!! I got side tracked with my sisters page! Yes..before I forget, page here looks pretty Mary. I'm still lookin for some EASY recipees to come my way...I'll be back checking out the scene here...TTFN..Love ya Mary.

Flopsy - 03/18/99 16:18:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Oaks/3824/
My Email:bunnybuddy@hotmail.com

Mary, thank you so much for signing Debi's Guestbook. Your page is beautiful. I love the background!! Happy Easter to you :)

Ginny - 03/18/99 00:48:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Baou/9785/
My Email:mitres@webtv.net

Hi Mary...I will come back and visit you again soon...Stop by my place when you have time...(((HUGS))) Ginny

Pegasus Joy - 03/17/99 20:45:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Garden/5525/index.html
My Email:jreese@execulink.com

What a lovely page Mary! You have made a good start. I will get in touch with you again soon but am a little busy during Mar. break. Your loving LOTH sister

MAry - 03/17/99 01:06:45
My Email:jesusluv@citrus.infi.net

Oh Mary!!! sooo nice!! (((hug))) I will be back to visit often! Much love LOTH sis!!

Diana - 03/17/99 01:05:45
My URL:http://www.sover.net/~dmb
My Email:dmb@sover.net

Hi there! What a beautiful page!! Have fun with all the secret sis games!!

moni - 03/17/99 01:04:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Lane/6426/index.html
My Email:maclac71@hotmail.com

i love your background set!! thanks so much for inviting me in....hope you have a wonderful easter! moni's page

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