
Mijn gezin/My family


Hello everybody.
I'm Grietje Baukje Wolters,
I have a daughter called Iris.
In 1996 I began to do research of the familyhistory.
I did research of the family of my exhusband, because my niece Inske Houkes already had put together the familtree of my side of the family.

My exhusbands family (fathersside) comes from the provinces Gelderland, Utrecht and Zuid-Holland. This are provinces in the middle and the west of Holland.
They probably originaly came from Germany or Poland.
His mothersside comes from the province of Groningen, in the north of Holland.
Originaly a few families came from Germany.

My side of the family comes from the province of Friesland, in the north of Holland.
My fathersside originaly came from the province of Gelderland.
My mothersside originaly came from Friesland and from Germany.

I've put the familytree of our daughter on this webesite, with an index.
I also put the familytrees of persons which are related to me in different ways on this site.
Also there's a page with links to persons who are related to my families.
There are some backgroundstories of familymembers

For those who don't have a genealogical program already, there are e few links to programms that handle the imput and output of the information in different ways.

If you'd like to make your own homepage, look at my links to several tutorials.
There is a lot of information in these tutorials about how to make your own homepage.
These tutorials can be downloaded so you can look through them in your own time.

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