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Ice Storm 2000
The Beauty in the Beast
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The weather forecasters said it would be the ice storm of the century, but we didn't expect the hardships that would come our way.
By noon of Christmas Day the sleet had already started falling then changed to freezing rain. We didn't have film  for the camera till a few days later after a good layer of snow had covered everything again.
This is a view from the front door of our house.
This was a beautiful Sassafras and Wild Cherry on the edge of our front yard. These trees were enjoyed by the R/C Airplane flyers who came to fly their model airplanes here and can be seen in better times on the R/C page.
Many of the roads in the area looked like this and had several people stranded till the trees and broken limbs quit falling. Some of the early attempts at clearing roads was hindered by having to go back and clear previously cleared debris. For about the first 3 days you could hear the destruction of the trees in all directions 24 hours a day.
This is an Elm tree that was one of our favorites. Our children had grown up playing under this old tree.
This is actually two very large Cottonwood trees in the corner of my Dad's yard. Those are just the lower limbs sticking up trying to look like trees. Over the years we have watched several litters of baby squirrels venturing out into their new world as they emerged from the hollowed out nest in the tree on the right.
This is a view of our old house. We considered putting our new home here because we really enjoyed the trees, but decided to put it on the backside of the property so we could landscape it ourselves. Looks like we made the right choice
As with nearly everthing Mother Nature does, among the destruction you can find many things of extraordinary beauty. This is a wind chime on our back porch. We were without electricity and water for almost 11 full days and some very cold nights. Our only heat was from  the top burners on our propane range in the kitchen. The only lighting was a flashlight and several candles. The day the storm started we had filled the bath tub with water and a few weeks before I had placed a rain barrel at the corner of our house. We were able after a few days to get out and buy bottled water for drinking and coffee. Judy and I made it through all of it better than some, but we were as happy as could be when the electric finally was restored.
We want to thank all those who came to our area during this time to help. Your hard work was appreciated.
Then and now. 2000 to 2003 comparison
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