Welcome to Otto's Place
4 Months
(5/2/99 - 5/29/99)

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First Afternoon After Having his Ears Cropped Even after Surgery, he still sleeps in weird positions 2 weeks after surgery;
Foam block is gone
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3 weeks after Surgery
(he took the tape off!)
He's getting very tall! Otto's First Try at Posing
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His ears got retaped (and retaped, and retaped ...) And he kept getting
the tape off!
Finally he got to
"half taped" ears!
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He STILL sleeps
in the shower!
His new crate!  Hard to believe he'll grow into it! Took the tape off again, but posing like a Dane!

About Me at 4 Months

At four months Otto has matured quite a bit.  He's no longer afraid of the vaccuum cleaner ... in fact, he likes to play with it, and even likes to be vaccuumed!  He still likes the shower, although he doesn't always wait for either of us to finish, he just walks right in!  He has learned some new tricks, now he sits perfectly (when he wants to), and gives paw (although for kissing, now), and rolls over in both directions ... even in the car! 

And while he still LOVES to steal toys, he's made his own new game.  He plays this with his water bowl.  First he drinks the water, then puts his foot in it and pushes it around a bit, to let us know he wants more water.   We attend to his every whim and fill the bowl, which he humors us by drinking little sips out of.  When he sees we have been satisfied and we look away, he splashes the water all over the floor, creating his own slip and slide.  (We have tile floors).  He then proceeds to run like a crazy man around the house, splashing and sliding and slipping all over the place, and having a great time!

We do have one little regression to note here, though.   He has taken to the couch.  We tried valiently to keep him off it, but he is more stubborn that we were prepared for, and slowly he's wearing us down.  He's making being on the couch the lesser of two evils, as we push him off the couch and he runs to steal the laundry or get on the bed!  When he's on the couch he sleeps, occassionally trying to push whoever is on the couch, off.

We also took our first mini vacation without him.   That was interesting.  When we came back he was WILD.  He has eaten his bed, entirely ... there was foam everywhere.  He totally and completely shredded it. (taking the cover off, first, though.)  But he also got a new home ... we had a huge Dane-size crate brought to us, so he can grow into it.  Since he hadn't been sleeping in a crate for a while (he had outgrown it) we were a little concerned how he'd take to it.  He loves it.  He goes into it on his own, he sleeps sideways, upside down, and has brought all of his toys (and one's he's stolen, along with some of our socks, pants, etc.) into it to keep close.  And he has a new bed, too.  He likes this one, too  So far he hasn't eaten it yet, although he's tried.  It might be because he's too busy eating the chair.

And, of course, he got his ears cropped, but that saga has it's very own page!


We would like to hear from you.  Please send any comments, suggestions, or training tips, please email us at: joeg6990@aol.com

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This page was last updated on 1/16/01

Photos, text, & design are all copyrighted and belong to us.  Nothing may be duplicated for any use without our EXPRESS approval.  Thanks.