Welcome to Otto's Place
5 Months
(5/30/99 - 6/26/99)

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We lost the "No Furniture" Battle And he's pretty proud
about that
Another new bed ...
he outgrew,
and ATE the other one!
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He got his bandages off ... And his ears looked GREAT! This was the first night.
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The ears "fell" the next day ... So it was back to the tape. But he was distracted by the new bed ... more bed appreciation.

Yes, this was a big month for Otto.   He finally got his ear bandages off, and his ears looked wonderful, the first night.  But the next day they fell down, so he had to have them retaped, and massaged, and pampered.  He's growing by leaps and bounds, too ... he's now about 65 LBS, almost half his expected weight, and 26" tall at the shoulder.  He's getting big fast.  AND, he can drink out of the bathroom sink!  We know this not because he's ALLOWED to drink out of the sink, rather because he tries to during his morning rituals.  He has developed a few.  He likes to take part in the human grooming ... moisturizer, hair gel, a taste of toothpaste for his minty fresh breath, and playing with the hair dryer.

He's also taken up a new hobby, fashion designing.   Apparently he's not thrilled with our choices of clothing, so he takes it upon himself to "redesign" them ... he's a bit abstract and risque in his approach, too ... a carefully placed tear here or there, and the garment is ready for the Paris Runways! 

Otto is also becoming quite a watch dog, at night.   During the day someone can walk into the house and he won't wake up, but at night, beware.  A buzzing fly and he'll be barking up a storm and jumping and running all over the house.  (Quite amusing when he jumps to the window to protect us, the one that's at the head of our bed!  When he's standing over you, barking fiercly out the window with his hairs standing on end, you really realize what an enormous dog you've gotten ... if you are lucky to be awake when he does this, if you're asleep at first, you're a little more preoccupied making sure all your internal organs are still intact.)   He is well behaved, though.  He sits and stares at food, but doesn't beg.   He is learning more and more commands and tricks, and being an all over good little man.


We would like to hear from you.  Please send any comments, suggestions, or training tips, please email us at: joeg6990@aol.com

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This page was last updated on 1/16/01

Photos, text, & design are all copyrighted and belong to us.  Nothing may be duplicated for any use without our EXPRESS approval.  Thanks.