Welcome to Otto's Place
8 Months
(8/31/99 - 9/28/99)

This was an interestng month. For most of it my "mom" was away. She had to go back to NY to take care of some things, which was ok at first ... I got to spend more quality and quantity time with "dad"! But we got lonely. Then .... all sorts of things started to happen .... Dad left, and me and my sister Coco went to the school to stay a week.

It was OK staying there. The People were really nice and we learned a lot, but we missed our folks!

But they came back, all of them together, and I was soooo happy! And guess what, I also got a new brother, Jocko. He's a Belgian Malinois, and you can see how much fun it is to have a buddy to play with!

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He Ok, so the first night I was jealous and wanted Mom and Dad all to myself ... I wouldn't let Jocko on the floor and he had to jump around on the couches to get anywhere. But after that, I found out he was great fun, so we started to get along great! He's got a lot of energy and is really fun to play with, even if he is a little freaky looking!
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Want to meet Jocko formally and see more of him? Click here!


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This page was last updated on 1/16/01

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