Hello and welcome to my website. My name is Eddie Smith and this site is dedicated to all of my family past and present. The following surnames are the main branches of my family: Smith, Stanley, Jones, Harris, Price, Jordan, and many allied branches. This journey began when my sister was tragically killed in an aircraft accident. It dawned on me that no one was really documenting our family, so it became my mission to accomplish that task. Now that I have grandchildren, I want them to know where we came from and how we got where we are today. This began as a tragedy and has become a labor of love. IF you love your family, what greater gift could you give than the stories of their and their families life. My wife doesn't understand this passion called genealogy but she still supports me when I'm piled neck deep in research. |
My yellow rose of Texas--my darling wife Shera, without whose support this would not be possible. |
Okay, now for the boring stuff: I do ask that a few simple rules be followed. 1. No profanity on this site---this is and always will be a family oriented site. 2. No hate mail, flames, derogatory or inflammatory statements....If you can't say it in a civil manner, then don't say it. If you have criticism, I don't mind hearing it--I take it and use it to try and improve my site, just do so civilly. 3. Please don't use any of the graphics or photos on this site without permission. I will try and provide links to any graphics that I have on this site. Please don't directly link to the graphics or pages on this site. Stealing bandwidth is prohibited and will not be tolerated. If you would like to have a link to your site placed here, I only ask that it be family freindly and I would be happy to add them to the links page. If you have information on any family members on this site, would like to contribute photos, source documents or even memories of these family members, find some incorrect information, have suggestions to improve my site, please contact me by using the email link. I try very hard to insure that all information found on this site is correct to the best of my ability but mistakes do happen from time to time. Last but not least, enjoy your visit . I strive to keep this site updated and add new content as much as possible. I would like to ask you to sign my guestbook or send me an email. Thank You for spending time with me and I hope that you enjoyed your visit . Please Come Again. Ed Smith |
Dedicated to all the men and women of the military. We thank you for your service, patriotism, and dedication to our country. We will never forget. --(from an old veteran) Ed Smith |
Visitor since 7-31-07 |
If you like these graphics, then visit the site : Touch A Memory by clicking on the logo on the right. Many beautiful web sets. |
If you would like to link to my site, please display the logo on the left. If you do decide to link to my site, please send me an email so I may vist your site. Thank You |
Nightwing has some truly magnificent graphics and page sets. This is a must see site if your looking for websets. |
Please take a few moments and visit as much has changed, with more to follow. As always, I am dedicated to bringing you the most updated and complete info possible. If you have info to share please contact me by clicking on the email button provided. This site is always evolving, hopefully for the better. Suggestions and tips are always welcome, I only ask that they be constructive so that I may improve my humble site. I also would like to ask that you sign my guest book so that I know that you visited my "little site". If you wish to link to my site, please email me, so that I can visit your site and put a link to you also. Thanks and happy hunting. Ed |
For all your computer needs be sure to visit the Digital Godess, Kim Komando. a family friendly and non computer geek friendly site. Just click on the logo to the left. |