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Dr. Charles Austin
George R. Lard b. 1862, Elizabeth "Bettie" Stutts, b. 1866
Isabella Virginia Qualls, b. 1851 seated, Katie Austin, Hattie Smith, Asley Smith, Lizzie Austin
Martha A. "Mattie" Haynes
Rufus Carmack Scott, b. 1837
Isadore Benson, b.1893, Myrtle Benson, b. 1897
Loula Vesta Qualls, b. 1886, Emsley Austin, b. 1883
Erasmus Darwin Lambert, b. 1854, Hattie Fisher, b. 1878, Amy Lambert, Henry Bradley
Hezekiah Shelton Haynes, b. 1849, Minerva Ellen Barrier, b. 1857
George Wesley Cossey, b. 1873, Ada Paralee Mclain, b. 1879, Arthur and Harley Cossey
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