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I'm Caprine Crazy a dance-crazy ol' goat (aka Linda C.), and a former volunteer GeoCities Heartland Community Leader ("CL"). Heartland CLs operate out of different Community Centers ("CCs") - places where you can always find help with your Yahoo! GeoCities webpages. As a CL, I was assigned to two different CCs which are shown below. If you have a family-related site in Yahoo! GeoCities and you need help, please feel free to visit and discover their helpful resources. I will also try my best to answer your questions if you have trouble finding the answers you need about Yahoo! GeoCities.

Port of Topics Member  

Helping All of

at a Time!

Heartland Forever
Visit Port of Topics
Community Center
Visit Heartland Forever
Community Center

Heartland CLs serve on many different committees. I was a member of five Heartland Committees dedicated to helping homesteaders throughout all of Heartland. Please feel free to visit one or more of these committee's homepages for more information.

Heartland Select Member Member of Heartland Graphics
Heartland Heartbeat Member
Heartland Angels Logo
Heartland Adoption Connection

My husband began our homestead with GeoCities in February, 1999 and I have had a wonderful time ever since. Six Months as a CL RecognitionSo much so that I decided that I wanted to be a CL, and help others as much as I had been helped when we first started our webpages at Heartland, a virtual "neighborhood" in GeoCities. I applied, was accepted, went through training under my CL Mentor All-Law, and finally graduated.

I established these developing Special Help Pages hoping that I could repay the help that I so kindly received. Maybe they will in some way assist you with your Yahoo! GeoCities questions! :o)  So right off the bat, below are two great quick-links to other Yahoo! GeoCities help sites and one to a real-time GeoCities Help Chat (remember to log-on first with your membername before accessing this chat link!) - just click on the graphics:

Yahoo! GeoCities Help Center Yahoo! GeoCities Help Page Visit GeoCities Help Chat

When I was a CL, I helped Heartland Homesteaders with their questions regarding their webpages and all the "ins-and-outs" of Yahoo! GeoCities. Perhaps you will find that these pages and the informational links they include a help to you. I have tried to list many of the resources you need to create and improve your website. This information is free for the taking (how many things are actually free anymore?). If for any reason you cannot find the assistance you need within the resources listed below, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me directly!

You can always reach me in one of the following ways:

  1. Email me at CaprineCrazy@yahoo.com
  2. Page me through Yahoo! Messenger (as CaprineCrazy)
  3. Send me a message via ICQ (my number is 50112699)
  4. Send me a message via AOL Instant Messenger (as CaprineCrazy)
Yahoo Messenger AOL Instant Messenger Download ICQ



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Last updated November 17, 2000
Background graphics, layout and original content copyright ©1999, 2000 Glenhardin Web Design for CaprineCrazy.

Valid HTML 4.0!All personally authored code on this page passed W3C validation. I am not responsible for the validity, nor lack thereof, of any additional code placed on this page by Yahoo! GeoCities.

Bobby approved!All personally authored code on this page passed Bobby approval for browser accessibility. I am not responsible for the browser accessibility, nor lack thereof, of any additional code placed on this page by Yahoo! GeoCities.