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Click on the play-arrow to hear 'The Happy Song' by delirious?, Courtesy of CCM Midi Mega Site by NSO

As onetime Co-Chair and one of many volunteer Heartland Community Leaders ("CLs") who made up the Heartland Graphics Committee ("HGC"), I began creating background image sets for free use on personal webpages. You can still find at HGC the incredible graphics efforts of their current members! Here, though, you can see some of my graphics sets that I originally created for free use by Heartland and GeoCities homesteaders and others with non-commercial pages. If you like a particular set, please feel free to use it on your non-commercial webpage. Terms of use are listed below.


Samurai Waterlily

Rosey Posey


Sweet-Stitched Rose




Cozy Cabin


Butterfly Weave

Fairy Friends


Dazey Mosaic

Swirly Jester

Maian Denim

Painted Sand


Easter Hugs


Sunset Rooster


Play Ball!


COPYRIGHT INFORMATION and TERMS: Most of these designs are based on my own design textures and patterns. Where picture and photo graphics are shown, these come from only advertised "royalty-free" clip art collections and sources and have been significantly altered from their original form. In no case have I knowingly used other's copyrighted material, and I will immediately remove any work upon notification if I have accidently infringed on another's copyright. Please do not use these designs in any commercial or non-commercial collections.

If you do use one of these designs, please give me credit for my work on the page you use them - each set includes a small "Set by Linda C." graphic for this purpose should you wish to use it, or feel free to use the small graphic below. While a link back to my graphics page is always appreciated, it is not necessary - afterall, these are free sets with no extra attachments! An email note telling me where you have used any of these graphics, however, will be considered a special kindness!

CaprineCrazy's Graphics link graphic

Thank you for visiting my graphics designs. :-)



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Last updated November 17, 2000
Background graphics, layout and original content copyright ©1999, 2000 Glenhardin Web Design for CaprineCrazy.