The Household Sewing Machine

Instructions for using the machine


1st. See that the Machine is kept clean, then Oil in the places marked O, with the best Sewing machine oil.

2nd. The shuttle should be oiled (by moistening a wollen cloth, then rubbing it across flat surface of the shuttle) at least twice a day when in constant use.

3rd. After the Machine has been oiled, run it (withe presser foot up and shuttle out) for a minute and then wipe off the superfluous oil.

4th. If the Oil becomes gummed, causing the Machine to run hard, put a little Kerosene or Alcohol in the Oil holes, run rapidly wipe clean, then Oil with Sewing Machine Oil.



1st. Unthread the Needle, remove the shuttle, and put up the presser foot, by bringing the Lifter-handle toward you.

2nd. Practice first with the belt off and then with it on, until you acquire the foot-motion, having the Wheel turn away from you.

3rd. Place a piece of cloth on the feed and let the presser foot down, and practice in starting and stopping the machine until you can do so with ease.


Household manual page 2