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Still more books to make life good and long


In the era of the World Wide Web - www - books are still the most valuable collecting item for any home. And the most valuable books are the "power books". We will recommend you some of them. Still more good books you will find in the world greatest book store, the www book store amazon.com. Visit this store, make yourself familiar with the search system and the very simple payment system. Your pay card or credit card is protected by a password of your own choice.

You may decorate your home with all kinds of art and antiquities. It may give an expression of wealth and good taste. But nothing can give you and your children and grandchildren information and creativity like books. And a book is mobile, can be handed over to a friend or neighbor. Books are the natural supplement to Internet-access. Books will never die.

If you want to get impression on how books are exhibited, you may as we enjoy Estelle Ellis et at.: At Home with Books - How Booklovers Live With and Care for Their Libraries. But even if you collect only 100 books on "SeniorPower", you may have 100 additional jewels from the publishing scene.

You will mostly find the recommended books along with the 10x10 rules. In the following, we will present some more books written on the topic "How to get most out of your age"

Russ L. Potter: How to Live to be a Healty 100 This booklet is easy to read and is not pretending to give you a full range of advice. But some of the 100 hints may be a starter. Our favorite four are:

  • Keep yourself busy.
  • Keep your mind active. The rest will follow.
  • Take a swim.
  • Get up every morning believing it´s going to be a nice day.

Lisa Birnbach: 1003 Great Things About Getting Older

Judith Viorst: Forever Fifty and Other Negotiations

Wendy Reid Crisp: 100 Things I'm Not Going to Do Now That I'm over 50

Your should also be aware of Alex Comforts book A Good Age, which contains a series of positive advices for running a mature life. Sorry, it is out of print, but your local library may have it.

But we have traced some books on aging and longevity:

Ullis book has got favourable readers comments. Excerpts from these books will follow.


One way of acquiring "book power", it to read the presumed most influential book(s) of each country or regions. We are inviting visitors from various countries to contribute with the presumed most powerful book of their choice. For the beginning, our list looks like this, quite open. The books cited should be available in English.



















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The SeniorPower Site
Date Last Modified: 07.03.99
Staying powerful to the End