Hi, my name is Jerad and I am 7 years old. I have a 4 year old brother, Austin. Austin is not only special because he is my brother, but also because he has cerebral palsy. I don't really understand all that means, just that he can't do the same things that I do. He can't walk, run, or even talk like I can. I know that Austin takes more of my mom's time so I try to understand when mom can't do something for me because she is helping brother. I love my brother better than anything and would do whatever I could to help him. Sometimes mom and me or dad and me do things together all by ourselves which makes me feel really good. Sometimes mom gets me a sitter when she thinks I need a special friend all of my own. It is great having someone to just be my special friend. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I wouldn't trade my brother for anything because I love him just the way he is and if someday he can do all of those things great!!! But if he can't I'll still love him just the same!!!! I say my prayers and ask God to help Austin to do the things that he can't do, so I know that he will be okay. He is the coolest brother that anyone could ever ask for!!! I'm gonna put a link to his page below so go and visit him too!

I choose you!!!


I love Pokemon,they are so cool!!! I want to catch um all!!! I like to watch Pokemon and Digimon on TV!!! I also like to watch the Toon Disney channel. I love pizza and shopping for toys! I love to play with my brother! I love to play outside with my dog Pooh Bear! I can be really loud outside and I do a lot of running and stuff like that. I love to ride my four wheeler! I will be in Second grade next year!

Me with my little brother Austin!

Austin loves to watch Veggie tales! I like Larry Boy too!!



Nick Jr.- Play with Blue from Blue's Clues here!!

Austin's page- Please go visit my brother's page!!

Toon Disney- Play games here!!

The KY Cerebral Palsy Network-Mom's Cerebral Palsy site!!

Larry Boy -Where you help Larry Boy rescue Alfred and stop the Rumor Weed!!

The Cerebral Palsy Network- Where MOM has cool friends!!!

Digimon- Visit Fox Kids for these!!

Pokemon Shrine- Cool Site!!!

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