Bridge City High School Class of 1980
Faculty List

Home Administration
Al Barbre Boys Basketball coach
Ronald Boehm Woodshop
Kay Butler Girls Basketball coach
Audria Byerly
Bob Byerly
Lindy Byrd
Virginia Caruth
George Cassens Automechanics
Sherry Cook Math
Bill Copeland Civics
Deanna Crull History
Patsy Dowden
Patsy Evans
Jack Faris
Maurice Fitzgerald English
Dolores Garcia
Randy Godsy Social Sudies, Tennis
Becky Gonzales
Linda Gunn
Bob Hollier
Mimi Hollier English
Charlotte Holt
Katy James
Sue Jordon
Herman ” Moe” Litton Biology, Driver Education and Athletic Trainer 1963_- 1988
Claudia McKeller English
Kellie McLellan
Margaret McRight Accounting
Charles Miller Biology
Larry Myers Math
Charlotte North Choir
Janice Overman Cosmetology
Sue Pate
Sue Phillips
Bob Puntes Health
Melvin Radke
Elliot Richmond Physics
Truth Shipman Math
Terry Stuebing
Sheril Suire Homemaking
Phyllis Tarter
Bruce Taylor
Jeanne VanBreeman
Diana Virva
Sally Waddell Typing, Shorthand
Pat Wallace
Frank Wiegreffe Chemistry
Frank Wilson Band
Rusty Wilson
Linda Windham Homemaking
Jeanne Wood
Tom Wooley Math, Football
Carol Yancey
Chuck Young
Glenn Pearson Superintendent
Joe Chenella Principal
Roger Russell Asst. Principal
Andy Griffin Athletic Director
Randy Arnaud Activities Director
Weldon Lack Counselor
Helen Phillips Counselor
Helene Litton Librarian
Dana DuPree Secretary
Margie Hatton Secretary
Liz Laughlin Secretary
Patsy Peters Secretary
Martha Young Secretary

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