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bonsai tree

Carol's Place of Inspiration

Page Five


flower swag

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Nobody's Perfect
by Grace E. Easley

merry go round
butterfly Nodoby's perfect, all of us have
Traits we must overcome,
Regrets for the things it is too
late to change,
For what we have not,
or have done.

flowersflowers But we just have to do the best
that we can,
Believing that God will come through,
And if we fall down,
we must get up again,
The way that He wants us to do.

butterfly For nobody's perfect,
once there was One,
Born in a stable dim,
Sinless and blameless,
Whose message was Love,...
But the people crucified Him!

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The Little Things
by Kathryn Wiesenhoefer

animated butterflies to flowers
Thank You, Lord, for "Little Things"
Like rays of hope -
a smile can bring
A clasping of a helping hand
The soothing words -
roserose "I understand"
The warmth of sunshine after rain
A sign of comfort -
after pain!
A friend who "stays" through trials and tears
roserose The peace they give to calm our fears
For all His mercy -
and His love
When prayers are answered from above
Oh, thank You, Lord for "Little Things,
"That help us soar on eagles wings!

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No Greater Love
by Harold F. Mohn

cute animated angel
No greater love has anyone
Than that God holds for you.
A love that is most constant,
A love sincere and true.

flowers A love deep and devoted
Day in and out anew.
A love He shows despite our sins
And lasts a lifetime through.

A love that knows no bounds or heights,
No greater love you find,
Than that which God does show for us
And holds for all mankind.

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Pause a Moment
by Joseph Ferrara

Angel in snowglobe
There is no special time for prayer,
One can pray 'most anywhere,
When things aren't going quite your way -
Pause a moment,
just to pray...

roserose If everything seems to bother you
And nag at you the whole day through,
To dispel those awful clouds of gray -
Pause a moment,
just to pray...

cardinalcardinal If there is no hope in sight,
You see the tunnel but not the light,
Do not wander, do not stray -
Pause a moment,
just to pray...

butterfly When all your efforts seem in vain,
You struggle hard but see not gain,
Do one thing without delay-
Pause a moment,
just to pray...

butterfly When you feel there is no hope,
When with life you cannot cope,
God will help along the way -
Pause a moment,
just to pray...

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This Is the Day
by Michael Dubina

This is the day the Lord has made
To bless the earth with sun and shade
And grace the life of you and me
With joys of holy ecstacy.

purple flower
flower cascade So, let us join, in His embrace,
And prove deserving of His Grace
By sharing Christian gifts of heart
That are the blessing He imparts.

Let this be day of joy and love
That honors Him and God, above,
And bears no trace of human greed
That steels from me - so you succeed;

Let's live it, as it's meant to be,
With Heaven's gifts to you and me
And live and love - in Christian ways -
That praise the Lord and parise this day.

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Say It Now
by Clay Harrison

Why wait until tomorrow
to tell someone you care?
For beyond the dawn tomorrow,
you may not find them there.
The past now lies behind us,
and tomorrow may not come.
We only have today, my friend,
to beat upon life's drum.

angelangel Friend, why not say, "I love you!"
to those that you hold dear,
For time is such a fragile thing
that death may soon appear.
Let others know you love them
so there's never a doubt.
The best time is now, my friend,
to try and work things out.

butterfly If you keep your love a secret,
it cannot multiply,
For love, when it's neglected,
begins to slowly die.
Go, hug your wife and children-
go shed a happy tear!
And love will pay grand dividends
each day throughout the year.

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Do Not Lose Faith
by Harold F. Mohn

animated cherub angel
pink flower
flower cascade Do not lose hope nor faith my friend,
When you are in distress...
For disappointments will be yours,
The same as happiness.

This life on earth cannot be like
A smooth and peaceful sea,
The ups and downs are sure to come
And here will always be.

Do not despair or e'er lose sight
Of what you hope to gain...
With faith in God and in yourself
Your goal you will attain.

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