2000 Lane/Layne Family Reunion
descendants of
Charles Richard & Mannie Lee 'Vance' Lane
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Jami 'Lane' Carter & Bernice 'Lane' Bates
Dwight Lane, Darren & Jami Carter, Debbie Lane and Bobby Layne
Darren & Jami 'Lane' Carter and daughter Savannah.
Sue & Donald Layne
Ray, Boyd, Dwight, Del, Bobby and Donald Lane/Layne
sons of Luther D. and Sarah Willyne 'Collier' Layne
Savannah Carter, daughter of Jami 'Lane' Carter,
21 months old
Neil Bates
Dwight Lane with 2nd Cousin Diane 'Dobbs' Wilson and husband Larry.
Crystal 'Price' and Richard D. Lindsey holding 5 week old Allison Paige
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Lane/Layne Reunion 1959
Lane/Layne Reunion 1980s
Lane/Layne Reunion 1990
Lane/Layne Reunion 1998