1 Rained all day. Lula and Ab came.
3 I am still at Lucas.
5 Clear, Luther & Kate came.
7 At Lucius today. Luthers 32nd birthday.
11 Came home from Barren Fork today. This is my 60th birthday.
Lucas gave me a dress.
14 Clear, The boys picking cotton.
Dr. Dixon died this morning.
17 Lucy & I went to Sunday School.
Daisy found a calf.
26 Clear & cold. Got a letter from Lucius.
1 Lucian gone to Barren Fork.
2 Clear & cold. Dilla found a calf. Lucian came home.
Sold the Ferguson field to Lucius for $ 400.00.
6 Cloudy, Norman and Norine here today.
13 Mr. Taylors boy came near getting killed.
20 Sleet & rain all day. Lucians 20th birthday.
24 Clear Dauphas Mc came and stayed all nite.
25 The boys helped cover the parsonage. I set a hen.
28 Gordon Woodard & Margie Blan married this evening.
1 The girls have gone to burn corn stalks.
2 Cut our first ham. Put up a quilt.
3 Got quilt out. Put up another one.
4 Lucian gone to Judy Lindseys .
5 Put up another quilt. Got the organ.
8 Put up a quilt - Set a hen.
16 Clear, Nell Search here today.
23 Fixing to go to Lulas. - Later- We never went. Aunt
L:ou Dobbs died last Thursday, Was
buried Saturday.
26 The boys went to the election.
30 Planted beans.
31 Planted potatoes. I am nearly sick.
1 A big rain last nite. I have not set up much today.
4 Dr. Dave came to see me.
8 Clear, The windiest day for years.
Mr. Mc been dead 10 years.
12 Lucy gone to drop corn the first this year.
14 The boys still planting corn.
Len & Blake Evans came.
15 Len & Blake went home.
I am better.
23 Lucian & Nita gone fishing.
24 Mather bad. Dr Dave came.
3 Winslow and Minnie came.
4 I am better. Luther and Kate gone to Barren Fork.
9 Lucian gone fishing. Luther and Kate came home. Lula came with
14 Clear. Lucy and I are going home with Lula this morning.
25 Lucian worked road. Nita went to Jamestown.
5 Nita & Lucian gone to Salado.
. Mrs. Watts died.
8 Lucy and I came home today from Barren Forks.
14 Charlie Davis died today.
15 Charlies funeral preached today.
21 Mrs McSeldon died this morning.
22 Luther gone after Della Sims.
2 Lucian & Lucy gone to picnic at McHue.
3 Raining this morning. All went to Jamesrown to picnic except
11 We are nearly done canning berries. Lizzie Mc came today.
14 Della Sims went home. Lucy & Lizzie went to see the dam.
15 Lucian went with Mr. Moore over the river to a picnic.
16 Cloudy, Luther & Lucy went to Bethesda to a picnic.
20 We sent our beds to be washed yesterday.
27 Clear, Wint to see Mrs. Mills. Claude Evans came this eve.
28 Clear & dry, Luther gone to Cushman after a load of shingles.
Fannie Kit came home with
29 Bethel Mc and Ed and Fannie Kit all ate dinner here today.
(Bethel Mc is Henry Bethel McSpadden son of Mr. Mcs brother
30 Luther gone after shingles. Lucy gone to Ruddells Mill to
a picnic.
3 Duetta Sims came today.
4 Nitas baby was born this evening at 3:30. {Pauline}
6 All fine. Mrs. Cullins came.
7 Mrs, Hamilton died yesterday, was buried this evening.
9 Clear, Picnic down here. Arthur Mc and wife here for dinner.
13 Lucy went to Salado to a puicnic, Miss Mattie and Homer Jennings
15 Miss Mattie went home this eve.
16 They have named the baby Alma Pauline. Alice Sims came to
19 Alice started home today.
25 Clear, Luther & Aubrey gone with a load to Barren Fork.
27 Etta Rudolph and Ruby Evans came today.
29 Lucius came, We are fixing to move.
30 We all moved to Drytown today.
31 Rained, We are cleaning up today.
1 Lucian began work with King.
2 Lucas got done making molasses.
4 I went to Eculets. Dolphus was married to Maggie Johnson
this eve.
6 Went to Lucius. :izzie has the fever.
10 The Meeting began at Barren Fork today.
15 Clear ans cool, The Meeting closed last nite, Had 6 conversions.
19 Had a big rain. Lizzie better.
21 Luther came.
25 Luther went6 home Lizzie went with him.
2 Lizzie able to be up. Ab came.
6 Got our cupboard and Kittle home.
11 Aunt Kit fell and hurt herself.
13 Grandma Combs died. Will bury her at Barren Fork tomorrow.
16 All went to church. Lucas and Lizzie here for dinner.
Betty & Billy here tonite.
17 Kates baby was born this morning. {Geneva}
18 I went to Luthers.
25 I came home from Luthers.
27 I am going to Abs.
30 Lucas and Arthur ate dinner here today.
4 Pauline weighs 18 3/4 lbs. 3 mo. old today.
10 I came home from Lulas. She came with me. They have
moved to Uncle Mits to live a
14 Edwin Edwards and Minnie Conyers were married this evening.
18 Lucas begain our cistern.
19 Nita gone to Desha with Lucius and Lizzie.
22 Lucas is having to blast in the cistern.
25 Cloudy, Crosby hangs today, poor fellow. Hope he has repented
of his sins.
28 Molly Mc baby was borned today.
13 Had my teeth made.
14 Got my teeth, cost $20.00.
19 Finished the cistern.
25 Cloudy, Christmas Day. Luther, Kate, Ab & Lula all here
last nite. Santa was very good to
31 Went to Lucius for dinner. This is the last day of the month
and the last day of the year
1904. Farewell to the year.