After the death of my mother, Sarah Willyne Collier Layne, I found in her box of family pictures, an old Fo-Jo Studio Envelope with several black and white negatives. They were of various sizes and taken over a period of a few years, late 40s to mid 50s. Some were faded and some blurred but all precious. T.D.L. |
Albert Williams, Boyd Lane, Rayburn Layne, Donald Layne |
Boyd and Rayburn abt.1950, Owl City, Arkansas |
Joseph Franklin Collier abt 1948 |
Florence Birmingham Layne and Carol Lee Layne wife and daughter of Merrill Richard Layne |
1944, Willyne, Luther holding Dwight, Bobby, Delbert, Donald Layne |
Jan Collier and Dwight Lane abt. 1948 near Lunsford, Arkansas |
Grandfather Joseph F. Collier holding Bobby, and Delbert, standing Donald Layne |
Bobby, Delbert, Dwight holding calfs abt. 1955 |
Marie Lawhon abt. 1953, Walcott State Park dance pavilion. |
Willyne and Luther Layne and first grandchild Melida |