1 A beautiful day. All up this New Year Day.
2 Cold north wind all day.
3 Clear & pleasant.
4 A beautiful day. I had a chill.
5 I feel very bad this morning.
6 Cold, It snowed a little.
7 Cold , Luther sick today.
9 Cold, All able to be up today.
10 Cold east wind, all better.
11 Cold, cloudy, I had a tooth ache all day.
12 Coldest day this winter, Snowed all evening.
13 Very cold, snow about 5 in. deep.
14 Clear, but cold.
15 Clear. Snow melting a little. I am most sick.
16 Little warmer. Snow melting slowly.
17 Cloudy. Sleeted in the evening.
18 Snowing as fast as it can this morning.
19 Clear and cold, snow 7 in. deep. Mr. G-----? died today.
20 Clear, still cold.
21 A little warmer. Snow melting fast.
22 Cloudy. Rained a little.
23 Clear & warm.
24 Clear and pleasant. I am nearly sick.
25 Clear. Snow most all gone.
26 A clear day.
27 A beautiful morning, all up.
28 Beautiful day. I am still very puny.
29 A Spring day, Lucilla had a chill.
30 Clear, cool day, all up.
31 Cloudy, a little snow. Mother Mc went to Georges. She
is most sick.
1 Cloudy, Mr. Mc went to Melbourne.
2 Nearly clear. I feel very bad today.
3 A beautiful day.
4 This morning looks like snow again.
5 Cloudy cold east wind.
6 Cloudy a big rain last nite.
7 Clear & cold Joe Fulbright married.
8 Clear, Uncle Dave Morrow ate dinner here.
9 Clear, Silas, Mauda & Kit came today. Mr. Mc and I have
been married 24 yrs. today.
10 Clear & windy. Lucius hauled cedar post all day.
11 Clear cold north wind.
12 Clear, a spring day.
13 Cloudy & windy.
14 Cloudy looks like rain.
From here on the dates that are missed are just reports on the
weather unless otherwise stated{ Velma }
19 Cloudy, Mr. Harris school out today.
22 Cloudy, Betty here. Lula started to school.
29 Cloudy, Dr. McGlarow ate dinner here.
1 Clearing off. Mrs. Caraway ate dinner here.
2 Clear warm. Opened a barrel of flour.
3 Clear, began sowing oats.
4 Clear, Dave Girand ? stayed here last nite.
8 Lucas & Lucian went to Batesville.
9 Cold & cloudy, Tom was here last nite.
11 Clear, Mr Mc went to Presbytery.
12 Mother and I went to Bill Mc.
13 Cloudy, all gone to Presbytery.
27 Clear, Mr Mc gone to Melburne.
29 Cloudy, Got me a pr. of shoes.
31 Planterd corn.
9 Sack here tonite Planted more corn.
10 Cloudy & cool, Lucilla sick.
13 Dan, the mule, is very sick.
19 Cloudy, I am sick.
20 Rained, Tom Mc here tonite.
23 Clear, Josie the cow found a calf.
17 Had all our pictures taken this morning.
27 Clear, Luther went to Bobs. (Robert Hill McSpadden,
brother to Mr. Mc. )
3 Dave Mc & wife here. Mr. Mc gone to Melbourne.
9 Mr. Mc Got home from Melbourne.
17 Rainey & Cloudy out today.
4 Johny Evans here tonite.
7 Rained all day. Got 100 lb. of flour.
10 Clear. Mr Mc started off again.
16 Clear until12. Luther came from Bobs.
18 Clear Lucius went to Bobs to work.
22 Clear. I am sick.
23 Luther started to Baxter County.
29 Cloudy. Mr Mc got home today from his trip, we were all so
31 Cloudy. I had a chill.
1 Cloudy, I feel very bad.
2 Clear, Hauled 4 loads oats from Luciusplace.
3 Clear, Luther got home from Baxter Co.
13 Clear, Big Meeting began at Barren Fork.
15 Clear, Had a good meeting today.
17 Clear,Had a good meeting today, thank the Lord.
18 Clear Lucian got hurt.
19 Clear, Meeting closed, had 20 professions.
26 Cloudy, I went to Bobs.
30 Cloudy, Got a new coffee mill.
31 Clear, Lucius went to Bobs to work again.
3 Got 26 lbs. of beef.
5 Luther went to Molasses Mill to work.
9 Tommie E. (Evans), Maude R. (Rudolph), Nit E. (Evans) here
today and Lucius swapped off Dan the mule.
11 Cloudy, King & Cuba Evans ate dinner here.
19 Lucas & Luther went to Euclets to make molasses.
(Euclet, is Euclet Calhoun McSpadden brother to Mr. Mc. )
21 Johnny Griffin died today.
29 Lucius came from Bobs today.
30 Done making molasses at Mr. Hills
6 Clear, Tore down Lucius old house.
15 Ginger the mule threw Winfred Dobbs.
(Winfred Dobbs, son of John Ira McMellon Dobbs & Mary Ann
17 Hauled 11 loads of corn- put 4 bu. oats in Lucius oat
26 Clear, Began sowing wheat.
30 Clear, Mat & Euke? here today. (Martha J. Conyers and
husband Euclet Calhoun McSpadden, bro. to Mr. Mc. )
2 Lucius & Luther gone to Cushman.
4 Lucius began digging a well.
7 Lucius got 9 ft. dug in the well.
10 Mr. Mc Sick. Dr. Dave came to see him.
11 Killed a beef. Mr Mc a little better.
13 Dr. Dave came again today.
17 Lucius & Luther gone to Batesville.
26 Lucius & Lula gone to ---- Mc.
28 Cloudy, All started to school.
29 Lucius, Luther & Lila are gone to Batesville.
5 Uncle Mit began Lucius house.
6 Uncle Mit, Uncle Mack and Winfred are working on the house
today. ( Uncle Mack is John Ira McMellon Dobbs and his son, Lemuel
Winfred Dobbs.)
10 Clear, Grandma got a new pair of shoes. (Sarah 'Sally' Birch
Stroud McSpadden, Mr. Mcs mother.)
11 Clear, John Ogilvie here today.
13 Clear, Mollie Conyers and Maude Rudolph? here today. Lucius
------? shingles.
14 Clear, Killed 6 hogs.
25 Snowing, Mr. Mc very sick.
27 Clear, Mr. Mc better.
29 Snowing, Cherry found a calf.
30 Rained all day, Lucy sick.
31 Rained all day, opened a barrel of flour.
Fare well to the year 1892 forever gone from us.