ABORN Press Release
Adoptee Civil Rights Activism Webring and Website Removed Hours after a
planned mailing to every member of the United States House of
Representatives. Lycos and Tripod unresponsive to repeated inquiries for
explanation of Actions taken.
SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 2000, 3:00 PM CST:
At approximately 1:30 PM CST on Friday, March 17, 2000, the ABORN (Adoptees
and Birthparents for Open Records Nationwide) Webring and Webpage were taken
down without warning by the Free Homepage provider Tripod that is run by
Lycos, Inc.
ABORN is a grassroots non-profit Adoptee Rights Activism Organization that is
working to restore civil and constitutional rights to adult adoptees. ABORN
also provides information to hundreds of adoptees, Birth Families, and
Adoptive Families on a daily basis concerning a variety of issues dealing
with adoption and the adult adoptee.
The actions taken by Tripod came hours, if not minutes, after ABORN members
had finished sending out informational packets to every member of the United
States Representatives on Friday Morning. The founders of ABORN and many of
their members feel this was a direct result of actions by their opponents in
an effort to stop the spread of their message.
The removal also comes within days of another Adoptee Rights related website
being taken down by America Online (AOL). The owner of the other site is
still in communications with AOL over the actions and the situation has not
been resolved as of release time.
ABORN Newsletter Editor Michelle Konieczny states, "In reviewing Lycos and
Tripod's Terms of Service Agreements we have failed to find cause for their
actions in regards to our Webring and Site. They have been totally
unresponsive to requests for explanation. In light of the fact that these
actions were taken within hours, even minutes, of completing our
Congressional Mailings, we feel that there is more to this than meets the
Ms. Konieczny also states that, "The Congressional Mailings were the result
of Hundreds of hours of work performed by our ABORN Members, and is perhaps
the biggest undertaking of this sort by an Adoptee Rights Activism Group in
the recent past. The removal of our site could have disastrous effects for
our entire movement if it is not back online by the time our packets reach
"An important part of the mailings is the Online Petition that ABORN created
for support of the Class Action Lawsuit that we are preparing to bring
against the United States Government for Civil and Constitutional Rights
Violations. This petition is currently signed by over 10,000 supporters and
we are receiving more petition signatures everyday. With the removal of the
petition page along with the rest of our site they have temporarily slowed
our efforts in that regard. Despite that fact, our morale remains high and
we would like to assure our supporters that this is a temporary situation.
All our work is on hard copy, and none of our work has been lost or destroyed
in this attempt to limit our rights to Free Speech."
ABORN's Webmaster stated, "There was no warning whatsoever by Tripod or Lycos
that there was any content on our website that was considered unacceptable.
The site was working fine at 1 p.m. CST but was unfunctional completely at
1:30 P.M."
The Webmaster tried to contact Tripod via e-mail, phone and fax from 1:30 PM
CST Friday March 17th 2000 until after Midnight and received absolutely no
response whatsoever from Tripod or Lycos. So far the situation remains
"We are asking you to write, call and fax Lycos and Tripod to respectfully
demand that our Webmaster be allowed access to our site to put it back
The ABORN Webmaster has just completed putting the site back up at a
different server. The address is as follows:
ABORN Webring members please write to Jeep Driving Genius
( for information on how to rewrite your
webpage coding.
Ms. Konieczny also adds, "On behalf of ABORN members, Adoptees and their
supporters across the nation and the world, we would like to thank you in
advance for your assistance in this matter and your continued support."
Neither Lycos, nor Tripod had returned our requests for comment by release
Lycos Contact Information:
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Jeep Driving Genius: JEEPDRIVIN
Gen Goad:
Michelle Konieczny: RRecordsRRight@aol
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