Welcome to Nikolaus & Santie's Guestbook!

tony - 03/08/00 16:00:45
My Email:abyrnes@looksmart.com
Comments: nothing

Nice page, really cute kid!!

- 01/22/00 01:28:51
My Email:bennih@intekom.co.za

a visit at last!

Michelle Bruce - 01/16/00 18:28:26
My URL:none yet
My Email:davmic@webmail.co.za
Comments: Well Done !!!!!

CONGRATULATIONS to Nik & Santie, and of course Kaitlin Rose (for hanging in there). Well done Santie !!! Love from your friends in S.A. David, Michelle, Gavrin

Laurence Beath - 10/31/99 07:45:53
My Email:lmbeath@mweb.co.za

I'm really impressed . We jus loved the windmills . I reckon we'll be winging over to you guys one of these days . Anel says hi Santie . She doesn't use my e-mail much but will try soon Keep well

Fouche & Chantal - 10/14/99 08:13:56
My Email:frabie@penman.co.za
Comments: website holiday

Makes wish i was there

Heather Smit - 10/14/99 05:25:25
My Email:hheather@exclusivebooks.co.za
Comments: Holiday Photos

Hi Nik and Santie I have just had fun looking through the holiday photos. It certainly looks like a lot of fun was had by all. Love Heather Smit

Heather Smit - 08/25/99 06:23:43
My Email:heather@exclusivebooks.co.za
Comments: Your photo album

I have great fun checking your website and sharing in your life in Holland. Congratulations to the expectant parents. I have just checked your photo album and seen the latest scan. Science is amazing today. We have all of Kerry's scans with the twins on video, but I could see more on your photo than I did on the video. Cres and Kerry will be taking the boys to Cape Town again next week and will possibly stay with your parents whilst there. I did the trip in June and saw your family then, so it is Cres' turn to be doing so. Heather

Lynette Mehl - 07/19/99 18:13:55

oops you forgot the camera what an excuse I rated you for an award for your cite. we have great difficulty getting the pics poor Karen has been trying for ages.

Lynette Mehl - 07/14/99 23:16:10
My Email:l_mehl@hotmail.com

When I really feel lonely for you guys, the pictures are just great. Peanut is doing you proiud Santi, it suits you. Only one photot Nik, but its good. Love Mom.

Nikolaus Mehl - 07/09/99 10:58:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Farm/8718/
My Email:nikolausm@yahoo.co.uk

Isn't it amazing what they can do on the Internet these days.

Luan Lauro - 07/09/99 10:29:33
My Email:luan@madesign.co.za
Subject: I think your page is lovely

Well well well how lovely to see you. I must say santi is looking very very well. Pregnancy becomes you my dear. Enjoyed travelling down your memory lane and seeing into your sense of humour. thanks for the glimpse. Ciao ciao

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