
Nikolaus and I are very much interested in the same sort of things, which as you can imagine is a good thing when you are married to someone!


Nikolaus and I are both Jehovah's Witnesses and since it is our #1 priority to us we are very active in all the avenues of service.  I am regular auxillary pioneering with the goal of regular pioneering.


We both love music!  Our tastes are varied, we enjoy 60's, 80's, Enya, Celine Dion, Barbara Streisand and Country. (santie)(nikolaus)

Favourite Song: 

I have favourite songs for various parts or stages in my life.  When I was in Graaff-ReinetI was having a few problems and so "Smile" from the Charlie Chaplin movie was special as was "The Rose" by Bette Milder. Then I went out with Nikolaus who was 600 kilometers away and the Leo Sayer song "When I Need You" was a favourite.   Then at our Wedding we danced to Anne Murray's (later done by Whitney Houston) "Nobody Loves Me Like You Do".  At this moment in time my favourite song is probably Celine Dion's "My Heart Will Go On" from the incredible movie Titanic.

Nikolaus is still deciding on his favourite.

Movies & Television

Nikolaus enjoys Science Fiction and Comedy.  I on the other had enjoy romance, comedy and drama. 

Favourite Shows:

I enjoy Ally McBeal, Mad about You and personal favourite Dharma & Greg

I enjoy Star Trek and Frasier


Nikolaus enjoys Science Fiction, his favourite author is Arthur C. Clarke. My favourite authoress is Danielle Steele (Palamino); Dauphne du Maurier ("Frenchman's Creek" & "Rebecca") and Robin Cook("Mutation" & "Chromosome 6") 


We love travelling! What's really nice is that most of the travelling abroad we have done together so it's been wonderful doing new things together:-

Maldiveswe visited here in November 1996.  It was FANTASTIC.  There was amazing water life, who knew fish could be so cute {I'm use to fish appearing next to veggies or just plain chips(fries)} Click on the word Maldives and see the splendours for yourself.

We have also had the pleasure of going to Amsterdam, although it was on business we still had fun.  On the way to Amsterdam we stopped over in Vienna it is truly a beautiful city. 

I haven't done nearly enough travelling to my liking.  I would still love to go and see Russia, go riding elephants through India, go snorkelling at the Great Barrier Reef, go sailing down the Nile and then sail up the Amazon.  Call me crazy but at heart I am an adventure junkie.  Granted, I am too nervous to get on a horse but in dreams you can do anything!!


We both love food.  We enjoy cooking and being cooked for.  We like experiencing new tastes, especially spicy Oriental foods. 

Nikolaus.avi (69120 bytes) is head over heels with the internet.

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