Temple of the Holy Spirit
There are two types of christians;
the ones that live under grace and peace,
and the ones that live by law and will worship.
Guess which ones will go to heaven.
Temple of the Holy Spirit
There is no scriptual foundation for most of the things that fundamentalist ministers tell us are sins,
except for verses that are taken out of context.
Of course I know the verses, our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit,
be ye holy as the Lord is holy,
and one of course there are those passages in Galations and Corinthians
that tell us that if we do certain things we will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
We should never, enter any place that serves alcohol,
watch certain things on television or movies,
or read certain books or magazines.
Jesus would never do any of these things, and we shouldn't either.
Some preachers go so far as to teach that if you do anything but
eat, sleep, work, go to church, and read the bible,
you will surely burn in the deepest depths of hell.
or Horse Spit.
If you were trying to find Jesus when he was on earth,
the best place to have looked was among sinners.
The only time Jesus was around the religious community
was when they searched him out to, try to trap himin his words,
put him down for what he said,
to tell him how righteous they were,
or when he went to the synogoge to teach.
Jesus really didn't think much of the religious community of his day.
Nearly every time he was in their presence,
he was telling them what evil and miserable human beings they were.
Jesus was known as the friend of sinners,
in fact the very first person he told that he was the messiah
was the samaritan woman at the well.
This woman had, had five husbands
and the man she was presently living with was not her husband.
Several words come to mind to describe this woman
and some ministers would call her all of them
about ten seconds before they told her how deep into hell she was going,
Jesus would simply ask her for a drink of water.
[which was considered a sin by the religious people of Jesus' day.
They considered it a sin to associate with gentiles, especially a gentile woman.]
Jesus could always be found around prostitutes, tax collectors,
and the least righteous of his day.
Now everyone knows what a prostitute is and what she does,
but for the ones that don't know what a tax collector was and did,
when Jesus was on earth, I'm going to explain.
The tax collectors collected taxes for the roman empire.
They recieved no salary for this task,
so the way they made their living was by over charging the people.
The more they over charged, the wealthier they became.
This practice was approved of by the romans,
so the people had no choice except to pay.
Zacchaeus in Luke chapter 19 was one of the biggest tax collectors,
one of the worst sinners and biggest crooks in the town he lived in.
This is the one Jesus chose to spend the night with.
Matthew, the disciple of Jesus, was also one of these tax collectors.
Most christians are playing baseball in a football field,
they are not in the right ball park.
The religious community of two thousand years ago could drink all the wine they wanted,
but eating poek was a sin.
The religious community today can eat al the bacon and fatback they want,
but if they drink a glass of wine they think they will go straight to hell.
Be ye holy as the Lord is holy.
Holy is one of those spiritual, magical, mystical, godly words like Hallalueh and Amen.
If you say them just right three times in some churches, you'll have people rolling in the isles.
Actually there is nothing mystical at all about the word Holy.
It means santified, belonging to, or simply commited to God.
hagios [Hagios]
The word translated holy in the New Testament is also translated saints.
The word saint is not used to designate people that are righteous, or extra holy,
or of people that have died and during their lives did some saintly deeds.
The word saint is used simply to signify the ones that are redeemed, the believers,
the ones that have faith.
Gal 5:17-24
17 For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the spirit,
and the spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature.
They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want.
__This is one verse that is the key to the fact that we cannot live a sinfree life.__
They are in conflict is a wrestling match that goes on your whole life
between the flesh and the spirit
with the spirit usually winning out more and more as the spirit of God works in you.
You do not do what you want means that because of this wrestling match
you can not always do what is good.
(Continued on next page)